As the adage goes, too much of a good thing is bad. Video games are a convenient scapegoat for the saying. Have we forgotten that there are hundreds of indulgences in which we partake to the point of distraction?
They were considered ”bad for kids” until very recently. The World Health Organization went as far as classifying it as a disorder in 2019. The year 2020 came with its surprises, and as a result, the global consortium changed its stance on the matter. It seems now more than ever, gaming is accepted and even encouraged.
In 2019, the global video amusement market excluding casino online play was valued at an estimated $131 billion. The increased awareness of the industry only bolstered its size. We spoke to Martim Nabeiro on the benefits of playing video games.
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Treatment for Dyslexia
Many would’ve thought this of specialized learning programs. Research suggests the complete opposite is true. An Italian study in 2013 reported that video gaming has a positive effect on the attention spans of dyslexic individuals. Who would have thought?
Dr. Andrea Facoetti says action games enhance visual attention and contribute to the assimilation of information from an environment. The analysis indicated action video games help dyslexic minors to process the written word with more efficiency.
An Economical Pastime
Many socialize in their free time and spend money on bars and night outings. Other people prefer what some call retail therapy.
The price of a new game is often the equivalent of a night out on the town, if not cheaper. If you have a regular partying routine, the money spent on clubbing over two months could easily cover a new gaming console’s cost.
Spending the weekend at home immersed in a new release will be a lot cheaper with little to no risk of spender’s remorse. It’s an economical way to fill your free time and is well suited to some opportunities more than others.
The latter is a perfect reason why video games are good for you.
Reduces Stress
Vendors design their video amusement to be immersive. The graphics, storyline, and interaction require all your attention without creating mental strain. In doing so, it takes your mind off other things.
It’s a useful tool to destress after a hard week at the office. Suppose you climb into your comfy recliner and lose yourself in the high definition audio and video of a good game. In that case, you’re guaranteed to be a lot calmer afterwards, even if it’s to the point of laziness.
Works Well as Replacement Therapy
Replacement therapy is not a new concept and defines a process of treatment, making up for a deficit substance or activity ordinarily present in a person’s lifestyle or body.
Many recovering addicts need to be weaned off their poison. Unfortunately, we can’t just stop habits. The reason for this is because they leave a void in the hosts’ lives. An effective way of dealing with the latter is by implementing substitute activities to fill the space.
Studies conducted by the Universities of Plymouth in the UK and Queensland, Australia, show that three minutes of play in a simple game like Tetris minimizes cravings across the board.
Improve Hand and Eye Coordination
The user’s input to an interface with a controller or keyboard influences the behaviour of the game. First-person shooter programs require a higher level of information from the player. As the storyline progresses, the commands become more complicated.
There are some complex controller combinations. The execution of which has to be perfect before the onscreen avatar behaves as desired.
Sometimes it will take numerous attempts to perfect certain manoeuvres. With a lot of practice, the player becomes more adept at the game and all activities that require hand and eye coordination.
Can Help Children With Autism
The visuals of video games are highly attractive to children and more so to those suffering from cognitive developmental issues like autism. The use of what’s usually an entertainment element is emerging in the treatment of these ailments.
The central aspect of the illness being treated with video technology at this moment is balance. Their use of humanlike characters posing and holding certain stances urges the child to mimic what he or she sees. The continued practising of these postures teaches autistic kids to control their bodies better.
Helps You Socialize
A newfound enthusiasm for gaming typically finds its way into conversations. These lead to meeting people of similar interests.
There are all kinds of group activities that gamers engage in. The old school game night get together is known as a LAN party. Computers, snacks, chips, sweets, soda pop, and sometimes even beer make it out to these events.
LAN is an abbreviation for Local Area Network, and the concept of “LANing” is to set up a grid where everyone can engage in multiplayer mode.
Slows Down the Ageing Process
The grey brain matter density in the cerebral hippocampus is indicative of cognitive health and memory. Ageing is responsible for the decrease in grey matter. The result of this is a decline in mental acuity. Medical research has always been hard at work, seeking ways to impede the process.
Studies prove that 30 minutes of gaming a day slows mental decline and helps sustain episodic and spatial memory.
Although this information hasn’t seen too much exposure, the discovery was made by Professor West and his colleagues as early as 2017. An experiment including 33 people between the ages of 55 and 75 conducted over a period of six months showed remarkable improvements and slowing of the brain’s ageing process.
Improves Focus and Concentration
Just an hour of gaming has positive effects on the brain. This was discovered as early as 2018. The study found there to be an intensifying of visual selective activity. In layman’s terms, the mind was triggered in such a way so that it became better attuned to focusing on tasks involving sight.
Helps You Develop an Eye for Detail
To be enjoyed to their fullest, one needs to embrace all of the offered features of any game. The average title uses a variety of colours and many types of shades to emphasize tasks, objectives, and functions.
As the market expands, research around the world is uncovering more benefits of gaming. The latter shouldn’t discredit the fact that excessive indulgence leans heavily toward addiction. What we can be sure of at this juncture is that engagement in moderation is healthy.