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10 Application of Biotechnology that are Changing the World

Biotechnology is a technology based on biology that uses cellular and biomolecular elements. It involves modern approaches like genetic engineering to make useful products. Scientists and researchers use living organisms to solve problems that are otherwise impossible to resolve.

The applications and benefits of biotechnology are hard to overlook. From food production to healthcare, biotechnology is improving lives across the globe every day.

Below are the X advancements in biotech that are changing the world.

Helping in Vaccine Manufacturing

One of the biggest applications of biotech is perhaps in the field of vaccine manufacturing. The advancement in biotech has allowed scientists to produce life-saving vaccines rapidly. This is made possible with the scientific implications of biotechnology.

A prominent example is the Pichia pastoris expression system which is being used in heterologous protein production. This methylotrophic yeast is an excellent host that helps researchers grow recombinant proteins at a larger scale.

Pichia pastoris is now commonly used in biopharmaceutical, gene annotation, and genetic engineering. But the biggest use of this expression system is in the preparation of vaccines.

Assisting in Diagnostics and Prognostics

Another major application of biotechnology is in the field of diagnostics. We are now able to diagnose possible microbial, genetic, and neurological diseases at early stages. Biotech is letting medical professionals diagnose diseases accurately and letting them do so fast.

Another benefit of this is the prognosis where researchers can predict the pattern of the disease.

We have seen the application of this technology during the current pandemic. Researchers were able to predict infectious diseases which then enabled them to create the cure.

Using the Regenerative Medicine

The discovery of regenerative medicine is perhaps one of the key moments in the field of biotechnology. It has helped scientists and researchers replace, repair, and regrow damaged cells.

Thanks to biotech, medical professionals are now able to speed up the regenerative process of affected organs and body parts. In fact, they are now replacing damaged human organs with functional ones. This has been made possible by tissue engineering and stem cell technology.

Increasing Food Production

The world is facing food security issues and the situation is only getting worse. Right now, more than 193 million people in 53 countries/territories across the globe are acutely food insecure.

The biggest reasons behind food shortage are climate change and population growth.

The rapid increase in the world population is putting pressure on already depleted natural resources. On the other hand, climatic change and desertification are depleting the fertile land. Together, these factors are creating a shortage of resources and food supply across the globe.

Thanks to agricultural biotechnology, farmers are now investing in genetically modified crops. This has resulted in more crop yield per acre and rapid growth.

Moreover, biotechnology is providing genetically modified seeds that have resistance to weeds and insects. They can be grown in problematic soils (acidic and alkaline) and don’t require heavy tilling or irrigation.

Helping in Genome Sequencing

The biggest achievement of biotechnology so far is perhaps genome sequencing. We know that there are around 3 billion base pairs in a genome. Researchers are now working to identify the genes that are prone to mutation.

This has helped scientists and medical professionals understand the human body. We are now aware of diseases that are caused by genes and can be avoided through gene treatment.

Improving Food Processing

Biotechnology is not only improving crop yields but also increasing the nutritional value and shelf life of food. On one hand, it is easing the food processing while, on the other hand, it’s enhancing taste. Through biotech, food scientists have refined both fermentation and enzymes involving processes.

Thus, biotechnology is playing its role in increasing the quality of food and its shelf life. This is helping us fight hunger while reducing malnutrition across the globe.

Producing Advanced Biofuel

One of many fields where scientists are trying to use biotechnology is the fuel industry. In case you don’t know, biofuel represents the production of fuel from biomass. This is different from fossil fuel because the process takes less time and produces minimum waste.

Efforts are being made to produce advanced biofuels that can replace traditional fuels. Researchers are trying to come up with fuels that are better than ethanol in terms of economy and waste production.

Another reason why we need new energy resources is the depletion of existing assets. We are hastily using hydrocarbons and with current growth, the world will need new energy resources after 50 years or so. This is where biotechnology can help us by finding new and more sustainable fuels.

Restoring Soil and Water Quality

Human activities have destroyed the earth and we are already seeing results in the form of climate change. In addition to that, we are witnessing devastating effects in terms of soil and water pollution.

Freshwater and arable land are the two resources that represent life. Unfortunately, these natural resources are now shrinking at a grieving rate due to abusive usage. The shortage of these two resources means there will be less land to cultivate and fewer water bodies.

However, with biotechnology, we now have techniques that can revive these natural resources. Researchers are using bio-augmentation, bio-regeneration, and bio-remediation to reclaim and purify destroyed lands and water resources.

Dropping CO2 Levels

One of the biggest threats to human civilization is the rising levels of CO2. But the good news is that statistics have discovered a way to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Thanks to biotechnology, now CO2 can be converted into other molecules or will be broken down into raw material. However, this is an area where researchers are looking for ideal solutions. And if succeeded, we’ll be able to use microorganisms to reduce CO2.

Reducing Waste

Advancements in technology, especially after the industrial revolution, have polluted the earth. We can now see the outcomes on the soil as well as in water, especially in the ocean.

Our lands, rivers, and seas are filled with plastic that is now affecting everyday life. This is a problem that is not only causing issues for humans but for animals and sea life as well. Fortunately, the advancement in biotech has provided us with a few possible solutions.

Scientists have developed bio-refineries that can be installed on waste streams and rivers. These refineries have the ability to convert waste into valuable compounds and fuel.

Also, researchers have discovered a bacterium, Ideonella sakaiensis, which degrades plastic. The bacteria grows on plastic, uses it as feed, and breaks the waste into simple carbon and energy. This means it can be used to reduce plastic waste on the land and in water if used properly.

Final Note

The applications of biotechnology cannot be ignored in the medical and food industries. It’s helping in fast disease diagnostics and is curing diseases with gene therapy. In addition to providing the solution for food security, it’s also helping in waste management.