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10 Tips for Staying Gorgeous as You Age

Aging is a reality we all have to face. Having gone through so much with time, your skin and body begin to wear down. You might not be able to stop the process of natural aging, but you can slow down the process to make it graceful. To begin a self-care journey that helps with reducing signs of aging, follow these tips to stay as gorgeous as ever as you age!

1. Have A Healthy Diet

It goes without saying that what you put inside your body would show up on your skin. Whether you’re smoking five times a day or eating a balanced diet, the aftereffects will show up on your skin.

To make a nutritious diet plan for your skin, you must include plenty of fruits and vegetables. Green vegetables are specifically rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A is crucial for keeping the skin supple and moisturized, helps with the prevention of breakouts, and healing it from within. Citrus fruits also have vitamin C in them, which is necessary for boosting collagen and elastin production. It will help in maintaining the elasticity of your skin and keep it firm as you age. A very common sign of aging is sagging skin. Thus, enjoying more Vitamin C-rich fruits or using collagen supplements can keep your skin healthy and firm.

Simply adding nutritious items isn’t enough. You also have to cut back on sugars and refined carbohydrates that are present in soft drinks, sweets, and desserts. Consuming more sugar than is required can cause wrinkles and fine lines on your skin.

2. Drink Plenty Of Water

The human body is made up of 70% of water, so it makes sense that we need a significant amount of it daily to survive. Dehydration can negatively impact your body as it is essential for most cellular processes. Drinking enough water every day will keep your skin energized and moisturized. It will also improve the appearance of your nails and skin. Not drinking enough water can cause dryness and rough patches on the skin, which increase premature aging.

3. Wear SPF Every Day

The harmful UV radiation from the sun can modify DNA in the skin and increase the likelihood of developing skin cancer. Aging signs like sagged skin, hyperpigmentation, and photoaging are some of the many issues caused by the sun’s radiation. To prevent the premature aging of the skin by the sun’s radiation, dermatologists and skincare experts always recommend wearing SPF. Don’t go for just any SPF, but the one that is broad-spectrum and has at least SPF 50 or more. Apart from applying SPF on your skin, you can also opt for long-sleeved clothing, headpieces like caps and hats, and even sunglasses.

4. Cut Back On Alcohol And Smoking

Alcohol and smoking are generally bad for your body. Most people think that only the internal organs get affected by smoking and alcohol usage. From sagging of skin to wrinkles and a dull complexion, smoking can speed up the aging process. Alcohol also damages the skin by sucking all moisture out of it and leaving it rough and dry.

5. Avoid Excessive Facial Treatments

This may come as a surprise, but doing more than is required can also be harmful to your skin. Getting facials and treatments frequently can cause redness and irritation on the skin, leading to permanent blotches.

Additionally, a treatment that does wonders for someone’s skin doesn’t mean it would do the same for you. Make sure you test the products on your palm or wrist before applying them to the face. If you sense irritation or redness, drop the idea of putting that on your face.

6. Regular Exercise

Working out can bring a tremendous change to your body. Regular exercise brings a glow to the skin that no other serum or ointment can give. From moderate to intensive workouts, exercising would improve blood circulation and tone your muscles and help regulate the immune system. The increased blood flow would flush away toxins from your skin while naturally cleansing it.

7. Religiously Follow Your Skincare Routine

If there is one thing that can change the dynamics of aging for your skin, it is having the perfect skincare routine. You don’t have to follow what everyone else is doing. Instead, go for what suits your skin best. Find the products and brands that work for your skin, fulfill their purpose, and don’t break the bank. For starters, an effective skincare routine must have:

Other optional products like serums and essence are optional and depend on your skin’s needs. For instance, adding serums into your skincare can help with problems like hyperpigmentation and wrinkles.

8 Add Retinoid To Your Skincare

Speaking of serums and skincare, if there is one ingredient that you must include, it is a retinoid ointment or serum. Although previously only recommended for the under-eye area, retinoid serums can be used on the entire face. Retinol is derived from vitamin A-rich foods and can be consumed naturally. Using a concentrated serum will target problem areas. Retinoid helps increase skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles.

9. Avoid Stress

A good diet and a consistent skincare routine are really important for keeping your youthful glow as you age. What’s more important is dealing with stress efficiently and keeping a positive mindset. Stress can be responsible for most of your body’s internal and external problems. It means that it can also result in a dull complexion and tired-looking skin. The more you embrace a positive outlook towards life, the better it would be for your health.

10 Get Your Beauty Sleep

We all have busy lives and hectic schedules, but one thing that you should never compromise on is your sleep. Try to get as much sleep as your body requires. Anywhere between 7 to 9 hours of sleep is ample to help keep a healthy body. The production of melatonin during sleep helps in producing more collagen and elastin, thus keeping your skin firm and glowing.

No matter the age, everybody loves their skin to be healthy and energetic. While aging is a natural process that cannot be avoided, there are ways to slow it down so that your skin can enjoy more of its youthful days, even when you’re in your 50s!