Taken the leap and ready for rehab? Well done. Here are all the things you can do to get ready for it.
It takes a lot of backbone to admit you have a problem and even more to do something about it. Rehab isn’t easy, but it’s guaranteed to be one of the best things you ever do for yourself, in your whole life.
When you have finally bitten the bullet and decided to enlist in the 12-steps program, get some psychotherapy sessions, and undergo some holistic treatments, you want to give yourself the best chance possible. Forewarned is forearmed, after all.
Here are 17 things you can do to get ready for rehab in America. Rehab is one journey you want to be prepared for, before you begin.
The 17 Things to do to get Ready for Rehab
What should you do to prepare yourself for drug or alcohol rehab in the USA? Follow these top tips to keep yourself right.
1 – Pack enough clothes
You are going to need enough clothing to get you through your stay. Most rehab clinics have a laundry service, or at least have machines that you can use to do your own washing. Be sure to take laundry detergent.
2 – Take Entertainment
Although some rehab centers have entertainment on-site, not all do. The good news is that you will have time to catch up on movies, do some reading, or get studying. Whatever suits, pack it in that case.
3 – Don’t forget your chargers
When you go to rehab, your friends and family will be worried about you. They will want to stay in touch, possibly daily. Try not to forget your digital devices, like a tablet, phone or laptop. These can be used to keep in touch with your loved ones during off-hours.
4 – You WILL Explore your Trauma
If your drug or alcohol abuse problem comes from trauma, then a rehab clinic will help you probe the roots in a safe environment. Surrounded by the support of a full team of medical experts, you will be guided through processing the trauma. You might even be offered specialist sessions, such as Rapid Eye Movement Desensitizing and Reprocessing therapies, which are known to help.
5 – Be Prepared for Co-Occurring Conditions
Although you might think you are only going to rehab for a 7- or 17-day treatment program, there may be complications to this. Complications such as co-occurring conditions will take longer to be treated, since the subject needs to do double the work in therapy sessions.
6 – Be ready to go more than once
Some people must go through the rehab process more than once before the habits they learn there take hold. To give yourself the best possible chances of rehab working for you the first time around, you should choose a great center with a solid reputation. This Portland rehab center is a great example that you can use as a benchmark, should you live in another state.
7 – You might not always have Wi-Fi coverage
While you are in rehab, you might not have a proper Wi-Fi service. Take account of this and be prepared with offline projects to do instead. Most nights, you will be exhausted from drug or alcohol withdrawal and the therapy work you are doing to recover.
8 – Take a Notebook
You are going to be doing a lot of self-exploring, a surprising amount of which involves jotting down your thoughts and feelings. Rehab clinics use more paperwork than you might think. Take a jotter for your thoughts and consider journaling, it will be good for your mental health and help give you something to refer to in future if you feel relapse threatening.
9 –Tell your Work
You don’t have to tell your work what you are doing if you don’t want to but taking a 28-day rehab period off work is going to be suspicious. You are entitled to 12 weeks of Family and Medical leave after a year in your workplace. Learn more, here.
10 – See to your Dependents
It should go without saying, but make sure those that depend on you are taken care of in your absence. This might mean sending the kids to grandmas for a month, and it might mean taking your goldfish to the next-doorneighbor for a while.
11 – Get your House in Order
We just mean that you should look at the time you will spend in rehab (usually 28 days+) and budget for them. While you are in there, your bills will still come out. Make sure you leave finances in a stable position so that the little things are paid for in your absence.
12 – Do a Little Research
Why not take any free time you must put your mind at ease? Call ahead to the rehab center and have a chat with them. Browse their website or read their literature.
13 – Detox your Home
Go around the house and remove all addictive substances. Drink, drugs, cigarettes – all can be used as a crutch when quitting any of the others. Psychological addictions might seem safer in this respect, but they carry similar risk.
14 – Pack your Paperwork
There are a few things you will need, paperwork wise. You might need money, so take your hand card. You should take details of your next of kin, some formal ID, and a list of your insurance company and any meds you are on.
15 – Rearrange your Appointments
Do you have to go to the dentist, doctor, or a therapy session out-with rehab in the coming month? If so, call ahead and re-schedule. Don’t’ let yourself put it off long enough to be anxious about it.
16 – Have a Self-Care moment
You will be running around doing all these tasks and forgetting that you need to take time for you. Spend some time on your own, enjoying the peace and quiet.
17 – Enjoy the Moment!
Before you go to rehab, be sure to spend time with your loved ones. Go get a big family meal, have a long walk together or eat ice cream on the beach.
Then, when you go to rehab, you will have some fond memories to cherish. Loved ones are what drive us to make these positive changes in our lives. Holding that memory prominent in our minds can boost the healing process and bring us back to them sooner.
And at the end of the day, isn’t that what everyone recovering from addiction wants?