
4 Reasons Why You Should Implement Employee Monitoring Software

In the world where business competition is getting fiercer in every imaginable industry, and where processes are getting faster due to the rapid advances in technology, you can’t exactly afford to rely on innovation alone to stay afloat. You need things like efficiency, productivity, as well as smooth and well-delegated workflow.

In their pursuit of these necessities, more and more companies are making the smart decision to implement employee monitoring software. First, a short introduction is in order: Employee monitoring software is a program that enables you to track your workers’ computer activities, including app and website usage as well as time spent on these activities. In addition, it can have integrated time tracking for projects, and some advanced features like productivity statistics and screenshots.

Even just this short definition can give you an opportunity to get a glimpse into the usefulness of this system. But we’re going to expand on this initial impression quite a bit in order to provide you with a complete picture necessary for making the final decision to implement employee tracking software in your workplace. So, with this goal in mind, here are the four most important reasons why you should consider it:

1. It Gives You a Better Overview of All Processes

There’s no better and easier way to oversee all of your business processes and employee activities than letting employee monitoring software automatically compile a report for you or provide you with the data in real time.

You’ll get precise information on which apps and websites each of your employees is using at any given moment and possibly even which project and task they’re working on. The best thing is that everything is optimized for the most convenient user experience possible. What this means is that, for example, if you want a quick overview of how many employees are productive and how many of them are slacking off, you’ll not only find this data explicitly given, but you’ll also see the unproductive activities colored in red, and the productive ones in green, so that you know exactly which employees are wasting their time.

2. You Can Get Insights That Will Help You Improve Performance

The bulk of the employee monitoring software features is oriented towards collecting and analyzing performance metrics. For example, this system helps you track attendance based on computer activity, which means you’ll have a clear break-down of the ratio of active to idle time. Based on this, you can see which offline activities take up an unnecessarily big chunk of time that could be spent more productively.

Similarly, you have quite a few different functionalities that are focused on quantifying productivity, such as productivity statistics, trends, timelines, etc. This allows you to optimize your employees’ workflow in order to harness their natural peaks in productivity levels, but it’s also a great tool for making sure that none of them gets overworked.

3. It Provides the Basis for Objective Employee Evaluations

Having in mind all of these functionalities that we’ve just mentioned, it’s relatively easy to see how the insights that you get can be an excellent way to make your regular employee evaluations more objective and personalized. Once you take into consideration all of the details of employees’ performance and productivity, and combine those with the quality of the output they produce, these appraisals will be that much more valuable to your workers as well.

4. You Can Protect Your Data from Insider Threats

The last benefit of employee monitoring software that we’re going to mention is its ability to act as an additional layer of data security. It’s important to note here that an employee tracking app can’t exactly prevent breaches, especially not the ones coming from outside of your company. However, if you use it right, it can be a pretty effective deterrent from malicious behavior. Plus, even if it does come to it, screen monitoring software can be a good source of data in the ensuing investigation.


As we’ve seen, employee monitoring software can be a pretty handy tool to have for multiple different reasons. No matter if you’re looking to increase productivity, provide better evaluations or secure your data, this system is definitely something that your company can greatly benefit from.

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