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5 Beauty Tech Trends of 2020

Health and beauty has always been a lucrative industry, and now the rise of technology is helping it further along.

Before, beauty products were mostly soaps, creams and makeup. If you want to keep up with the trends in 2020 you’ll need to keep an eye out for these beauty and skincare tech:


Since most people post their selfies on the digital world it makes sense to start using e-makeup to present themselves at their most beautiful.

E-makeup have started trending since Instagram, Snapchat and apps put on beauty filters. Once a photo is taken you can do post-processing and make your skin smoother, get perfect cat eyes or colored lips.

Medical Spa

The medical industry has expanded to bringing aesthetic changes to those who want it. For a more permanent change you can try beauty fix medspa and come out with the best version you want.

You can start with non-invasive beautification procedures to improve or enhance your best assets. Cosmetic surgery, skin rejuvenation procedures and wellness solutions are available anytime.

Try-On Apps

Try-on apps allow consumers to try out a beauty product before clicking the ‘buy now’ button. Since most of us are now shopping for what we need online, companies are making it easy to visualize what you would look like before you commit to buying the product.

Biotech Ingredients

Organic beauty products and those that have ‘green’ labels are becoming more popular than ever. Biotech ingredients are the next step towards this aspect. Biotech compounds are those that are grown in labs but contain the necessary ingredients to make you feel and look younger and more beautiful.

Smart Skincare Products

Skin analyzers are like your personal beauty assistants that measure your skin’s hydration level, age and concerns. They can also be in the form of an app that measures skin metrics via a selfie and comes up with a beauty regimen just for you.