Studies have shown that mental health is within your grasp and there are five practical steps you can take to restoring your mental well-being. By taking positive measures you can safeguard the mind from assault and get the most out of life.
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1. Connect with other people
Good relationships are the safeguard that can keep your attitude afloat and your mental health on point.
Positive relationships can help you:
– engender a feeling of pride and self-worth
– With plenty of positive interactions
– With emotional support and the feeling of connection when providing the same for others
And, there plenty of things you can do to ensure that the relationships you are building
– This begins with the family, be sure to take time to sit together as a family unit and strengthen the bonds that bring you together.
– Take the day to hang out with friends
– Turn off the TV and the cell phones and take an evening to play games with the kiddos
– Volunteer at a local school, hospital or other community center where you can share your talents
– Take time to connect with a family member with whom you have not spoken in a while
– Rely on technology to handle all your communications. It’s easy to expect that texting and chatting can compensate for face to face meetings.
2. Be physically active
Getting in shape and pursuing a life of fitness is not just good for the health, but for the mind as well. Healthy physical exercise can provide you with a number of benefits:
– Considerably potent boost of self-esteem
– Helps with setting positive goals that can keep you focused
– Chemical changes in the brain that allow you to improve your mood considerably.
Here are some things you can do to keep yourself positively active.
– Find as many free activities as you can to keep you fit and motivated
– If you are suffering from a injury or disability find out if there are exercises you can engage in, swimming is one of the best options for those suffering a variety of debilitating conditions
– Hit the road with our positive “Couch to 5K” podcasts
– Consider the enjoyment and challenges of biking, running or swimming
– Look into how you can begin getting healthy and fit from your medical expert
– Don’t equate fitness with spending hours at the gym each day. Find activities that you find enjoyable and focus on these.
3. Learn new skills
Studies show that learning new things also has great benefits for the brain and mental health. Some of these include:
– Boosting self-confidence
– Builds a sense of purpose
– Builds stronger connections with others
You may think that you just don’t have the time or even a real need to learn more things, but there are still plenty you can do to keep your mind engaged.
Some of the things you could try include:
– Learn to cook your favorite meal, learn about the flavors, temperatures and combinations that make your favorite dishes a reality.
– Look to take on some new responsibilities in your job or profession. Considering improving your skills of communication, presentation or project management.
– Take on DIY projects and marvel at your capacity with a tool box. Build a new garden gate, fix the dripping faucet or repair a bike. You can find a host of tutorials on YouTube.
– Consider signing up at your local college for a course in a new language or skill of your choice.
– Try a new hobby. Put together a puzzle, learn to draw or play a musical instrument.
– This is something that must be done for the purpose of fun and enjoyment. If you end up in a course with long hours of study and grueling tests, you may lose enthusiasm to pursue the interest after a short time
4. Give to others
Extensive clinical and anecdotal evidence shows that the simple act of kindness and giving can help you boost mental health and stability.
Here are some of the immediate benefits to a little “stretching the soul”
– Create positive feelings
– Improve your feeling of purpose
– Give you a chance to connect with others in a deeper way
This can be as simple as a smile and act of kindness extended to a neighbor or complete stranger. It could also be something even more magnanimous like giving of your time, strength and energy to a good cause like volunteering at the local community.
Some things you could try might be:
– Being truly grateful to someone who has helped you in some way
– Discussing the lives and interests of your family with them and showing that you have a genuine interest in these things.
– Spending time with friends and family doing things they would like to do
– Offering to help someone who is taking on a major project, like moving house, cleaning the attic, DIY fixit or anything else where your capacity could be useful.
5. Pay attention to the present moment (mindfulness)
Taking the time to be fully present in each moment is called mindfulness and can greatly enhance your mental performance and positive outlook on life. This can also allow you to face the challenges of your life with greater versatility and mental resourcefulness. Have you ever noticed how relaxing water is? A stream, a walk by the river, the sea, a bath, water encourages mindfulness. Why not bring this peace to your home with Luxe Water Walls? Not only are they relaxing but they look fabulous too.