Buildings and skyscrapers – you look at them and wonder how fun it must be to engineer all these stunning architectures. After all, the development in the real estate sector has made it possible for us to stumble upon some stunningly majestic constructions here and there.
Now, gone are the days when only urban areas had mind-blowing towers. Today, even the fairly backward areas are equipped with wonderfully designed malls, hotels, and whatnot!
However, only when you tread on the first day of your job as an architect, you find how building awe-striking structures is not as easy as a Lego game. In fact, it was proven that around 13% of architects work over 50 hours a week!
But thanks to Architect Management Software, for it has made this tedious and sophisticated task a lot easy. So, if you are an architect looking to get one such software, here are 5 tips to help you with the selection:
Table of Contents
1. Enumerate your needs
Needs must be made clear beforehand, even when you are getting architect management software. Why? Well, different architectural firms get this software for fulfilling different purposes. Some get this software to manage their collaborations, while rest equip this for keeping a check on their project status.
While the standard software might be able to serve all the basic needs, but in case your firm has some special needs to be fulfilled, you might want to get it custom-made to help you with that. So, tip number one – know what you want.
2. Check out the features
Do we need to tell you just how crucial this tip is? Duh, no! We legit do not buy a smartphone without thoroughly checking the features. How can one even think of investing in such a crucial business asset without taking a trip on the number of features it offers? Bad idea!
Well, just after you are done finalizing your needs, take a stroll down the features list of the software to check whether it serves your needs. A decent architect management software like Total Synergy must be equipped with accounting, reporting, and expense and time tracking features in the least.
3. Examine the user interface
Not once, not twice, this needs to be emphasized more and often. In the case of any software, having a smooth user interface plays a very important role for a list of reasons. Similarly, in the case of architect management software, the user interface has and has to be very viable and intuitive, or else the otherwise tedious task will continue to look like a burden.
That is how important it is for the user interface of probably any software to be ‘user-friendly’. If it is not easy-to-use and interesting, it might just double your work pressure instead of reducing it.
4. Look for the reviews and recommendations
As if we needed to validate just how crucial it is to check out the reviews and testimonials. The Gen-Z has made it a point and so should your firm – check the reviews and the recommendations of fellow users of the software to find how exactly efficient it is.
You can get a lot of information on the web, but nothing validates the actual quality of anything as much as a word of mouth about it from the people who have used it.
Hence, before making the final purchase, make sure you get a clear picture of the architect management software by the architects and firms that have used it earlier.
5. Find out about the customer service
Last but absolutely never least – it’s the customer service. When you are buying a software, you will need a person to contact every once in a while, until the firms get fully acquainted with the software. Besides, what if the software malfunctions?
Who will resolve this problem for you? The customer service center! So, just do not forget to ensure whether the customer service of the software company is all things ‘customer-centric’ or not.
Over to you…
Architecture may be fun, but it is definitely not the easiest of tasks. Not just it takes a lot of expertise, but plenty of labor too. Here, we listed 5 pro tips to help you choose the right architect management software. Read this guide and take a step ahead in acing architecture smartly.