
5 Tips for Buying Your First Holster

Looking to buy a holster? You are at the right place! Here we will look at the important features that you need to know when buying the right type of holster. When planning to buy the best holster, you should set the priorities first. You have to know your preferences when buying the holster of your choice.

Suppose are in a market for the new holster, then here are some important considerations that you must factor in the shopping process, thus you will find the “perfect fit” on your first try. Without wasting any time, let us look at the top features when buying your first holster online.


One common & effective materials that the holsters are accessible in are Polymer Leather and Nylon. The quality holsters are found in all three categories. Nylon & Polymer generally tend to be the bulkiest and less costly choice. Another downside of polymer or Kydex holsters is they generally get brittle with time and break, and the upside is they are very cheap and simple to replace.

The leather conceals well & is comfortable but can come at a higher cost for better quality leather. But, one downside with the leather material is that the holsters made from it may tend to need “break-in” time to adjust to your gun shape for the proper fit but loosen up with time. But, leather holsters probably will outlive you in case you choose the best one – even with everyday use.

The decent holsters may cost you $50, and if you find anything less than this then you are getting a good deal, or the holster maker is cutting the corners in a certain area. The good holster may commonly cost $100 and more and that appears expensive you need to ask yourself if there is anything worth than your life? 

Retention Capacity

There is a time when you would be the active gun user; and in these cases, you have to use the best holster for displaying your firearm. The retention capacity of a holster matters very much when you’re in a risky job like an army or policeman.

In job profiles where you need to move often from place to place, your holster’s retention capacity and requirements should be right. Make sure it is flexible in emergencies.

Must fit properly 

Make sure you choose the holster that fits you perfectly. The holster must be made for the specific gun you carry. Your holster & belt must fit one another exactly so that there is no slop and movement. Hence, you need to choose the holster that fits properly and easy to remove when in need.

Holster Types

That depends on your requirement, you can choose the right holsters that meet your requirements. It may go through the waist & clipped on several angles. People working in law enforcement will choose the shoulder rig’s holsters. Particularly for patrollers, it’s the right holsters you may look for. Choose the holster that suits your gun needs in the right way. It should be feasible according to your needs and choices.

Look at the Safety 

When determining on the holster, think of the safety features you need. You must consider various activities that you complete on a given day. Even though you aren’t very active throughout the typical day, it’s better to get prepared for any situation. When looking for the right holster, you must look at its retention features. The right holsters may have the retention features that make sure the safe fit. This fit can help you to avoid losing your weapon control. Most of the holsters include an audible click feature, which alerts its carrier when the gun is in the right position.

Making the right choice

At an end of the day, the holster you select comes to your preferences and situations where you are carrying your gun. Consider these three qualities that the holster must exhibit – comfort, concealment, and draw speed – and determine which quality is very important for you. One other important thing is holster accessories which one can easily buy from this company at better prices than the market price.

Whereas every holster type has its benefits and drawbacks, it is our view and opinion of a lot of concealed carry holders that the most rounded holster in the terms of comfort, concealment, and draw speed is the OWB holster.

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