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5 Ways to Improve Your Maths Skills (Including Getting Maths Private Tuition in Singapore)

A maths class in Singapore can get pretty intense. At the secondary level alone, there is so much ground to cover in the course of a school year. If your child is struggling even with basic maths problems, they can get left behind or even get a failing grade. This doesn’t mean that they’re bad at maths or aren’t trying. It’s a somewhat universal thing that many students who are good at most subjects tend to have problems or need more time to develop problem-solving maths skills. But all is not lost because there are ways to improve maths skills through confidence-building methods, step-by-step lessons, and even maths private tuition in Singapore.

How to Improve Maths Skills and Learning

Maths is a subject that builds on itself and needs a solid understanding of concepts. This is why maths can be frustrating when the class lesson has to move before the student is ready and is still grasping to understand. Parents need to remember that no child/student is bad at maths. They just need more time and practice to gain an understanding.

Wrapping understanding around the concepts

If a student doesn’t understand a basic concept, it is difficult to move on to the next problem and concept. The trick is finding ways to break down a math concept, and one that works best for the child. Learning to manipulate maths who are struggling with concepts can be a game-changer. It means putting life into numbers by making them look less abstract and more concrete by using “sets” of different objects to clarify maths concepts.

Have fun with maths

When practising maths, repetition is important, but it can get boring in no time. Learning maths doesn’t have to be a chore; put some fun into it. Game-based learning is a fun way to solidify past lessons and practise new concepts. It can also make repetition engaging and fun. For instance, you can use a family board game for game-based learning, or explore different fun and educational learning apps for maths.

Use maths in real-life applications

In daily life, help your child see the maths all around them and what they do. For instance:

Show students that maths is not mysterious or abstract. Break the problems down, take away the fear, and show them how maths is used every day.

Practice, practice, practice

Understanding the concept is one thing, nailing down the mechanics is another. Maths practice is important because repetition helps seal the understanding of the maths concept. However, as mentioned before, over-practice might become boring, so this is the time to break out the game-based learning mentioned before. From time to time, step away from the traditional practice methods and line up an activity that lines up with a current lesson.

Engage with maths private tuition in Singapore

If a student is struggling with large maths concepts that are getting him/her left behind and in danger of failing grades, it’s time to look for a private maths tutor. Each student learns differently and it’s no surprise that the child’s teacher cannot devote a little extra time. However, the right private maths tutor can provide that missing time the student needs to learn at his/her own pace.

Everything mentioned above – learning the concepts slowly; having fun maths activities; applying maths to daily life; and practising – are just pieces of a larger picture that maths private tuition in Singapore can provide for your child. More than the above, a private maths tutor can also provide sample works, exercises, tests, and exams so your child can get a feel of how to solve problems using real-time and proven questions. As parents, if you need that extra help for your children, get in touch with FamilyTutor. Our private tutors are all qualified and experienced with the proper training certification. With the right tutor, your child can become good and confident in maths.