
6 Essential Ways that Cupcakes Can Boost the Way Employees View Your Brand Image

Whether you’ve just created a startup business or you’ve been running a company for a while, you will no doubt know how important brand image is. This not only refers to the ways your clients view your brand but also the way your employees regard your organization.

There are many simple ways that you can boost your corporate image. This can include opting for a tray of cupcakes to celebrate your team reaching a milestone or handing out free corporate merchandise to your top achievers.

Cakes are for More Than Just Celebrating

Cakes and cupcakes are more than just sweet treats for celebrating personal milestones. There are several ways to use these delicious treats to create and boost brand awareness. Here are a few fun ideas to get you started.

1.     Use Cupcakes to Celebrate Employee Birthdays

In a corporate setting, it’s common for top management to focus only on work-related goals and achievements. However, taking the time to celebrate your employee’s personal milestones is a wonderful way to show your team that they are important to you.

It’s as simple as ordering a few beautifully decorated cupcakes for your team to enjoy during teatime. In this instance, you can opt for decorations that feature the company logo, or you can choose a more personal approach. Decorating with the words, “Happy Birthday” on the frosting is also a common option to consider.

2.     Retirements Should be Celebrated

If you have an employee that’s retiring, it’s equally essential to celebrate them. Just because they’re leaving doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t celebrate the years of time and service they have awarded your company. After all, you still want them to say positive things about your company once they’ve left.

While many larger companies have special corporate events to celebrate retirements, it’s still a good idea to have a less formal celebration among the closest colleagues. In this instance, opt for cupcakes that say “Thank-you” and be sure to pick the special person’s favourite flavour.

3.     Order a Few Cupcakes to Boost Employee Morale

No matter where you work, it’s a guarantee that every day won’t be a breeze. Working in an environment where you have deadlines or targets to meet can be quite overwhelming. If you see tensions running high in your office, it may be a good idea to order a box or two of cupcakes.

Choose a time when everyone can take a 10-minute break to regroup over a cup of tea and a few cupcakes. For those 10 minutes, avoid talking about work, goals and deadlines. The idea here is to calm frayed nerves and help regain focus. You can follow this up with a brainstorming session.

4.     Organize a Brainstorming Session

If you’re at you’re wits end about how you’re going to reach your targets, arrange a brainstorming session with your team. It may be a good idea to arrange this for an hour or two after work. This will ensure that you aren’t interrupting your regular work schedule.

Arrange a few trays of cupcakes or an assorted snack platter, as well as a few cups of tea and coffee to get the process started. Consider the following pointers to have a successful brainstorming session:

  • Assemble a diverse team so that you can get the opinions and inputs from everyone working on the project.
  • Create a team agenda where you list all the aspects that need to be discussed.
  • Describe the problem that the company is having.
  • Let each employee in the session provide the reasons they think the company may be struggling to achieve specific goals.
  • Ask for ideas and encourage out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Create an action plan that can be implemented as soon as possible.
  • Set a date when the action plan can be reviewed and adjusted if necessary.

5.     Use Cupcakes to Show Appreciation

It’s a wonderful feeling when hard work pays off. Reaching targets and meeting deadlines puts everyone in a good mood. So why not celebrate with an extended lunch hour that involves a few cupcakes? After all, who doesn’t love a celebration and cupcakes? It’s also an excellent way to show your staff that you appreciate their effort.

6.     Use a Batch of Cupcakes to Celebrate a Rebrand

If your team has been working hard at your latest product launch or company rebrand, you can also use a fresh batch of cupcakes to celebrate the whole process. In addition to spoiling your staff with some sweet treats, it may also be a good idea to set some up for the first customers to see your new brand or product makeover. Here you’ll want to use your band logo as decoration.

Final Thoughts

No matter what you’re team is experiencing at work, it’s always a good idea to take a break, have a cup of tea or coffee, snack on a few delicious cupcakes and look at the problem with a fresh approach. Often it just takes the right flavoured cupcake to get your creative juices flowing!

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