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6 Steps to Prepare Your Dog for International Air Travel (PLUS the Benefits of Pet Transportation Services)

Planning a move to another country is stressful, even more so when you need to consider children or your four-legged pooch. Depending on where you’re moving to, international flights can be long, tiring and even frightening if you’ve never been on a plane before! This is most likely the case for your dog if it’s your first move abroad with your pet.

If you’re using the professional services of a pet transportation company they’ll help you through the process. However, knowing how to prepare your dog for international air travel will make the experience less scary for your pooch. Read on as we share the steps to help make your dog comfortable before boarding an international flight.

6 Steps to Prepare Your Dog for International Air Travel

1. Get Familiar With Pet Import Laws

Before preparing your dog for a move to another country, you need to know what the pet import laws are for different countries. Some countries such as France are more lenient about moving pets through their borders. Countries such as the UK have stringent pet import laws and you’ll need to do your homework before moving your dog there to prevent challenges along the way.

Hiring the services of a pet transport company ensures your dog meets all the legal requirements for entering another country.

2. Decide Which Airline to Use

Not all airlines allow dogs to travel on board so checking which ones do is vital if you want to avoid hassles in planning your trip. Some airlines let dogs travel in cargo but have restrictions on breed types. Other airlines let you travel with your dog in-cabin as long as they’re in a crate and don’t exceed weight limitations.

Working with pet transportation services saves you from figuring out what’s allowed on each flight and airline.

3. Start Crate Training as Soon as Possible

As soon as you know you’re travelling with your dog by air, you need to start crate training. The crate needs to be big enough for your dog to move around freely while standing up.

Crate training helps your dog feel comfortable and safe even in noisy or unfamiliar environments. Knowing that your pooch is well-settled and secure in its crate during air travel gives you peace of mind too.

Most pet transportation companies let you purchase or hire airline-approved travel crates, making it easier for you to find the best option for your dog.

4. Help Your Dog Cope With Separation Anxiety

Some international flights can take more than one day for you to reach your final destination. During this time, your dog will need to stay in their crate. If your pooch battles with separation anxiety, you need to find coping mechanisms for them. These could include:

Many pet transport companies have been in the business for years and are equipped to ensure your dog has a healthy and safe air travel experience.

5. Prepare Your Dog for Loud Noises

Airplanes are noisy and preparing your dog to handle loud noises well before the flight will make it easier for them to settle down and get comfortable. Airports are loud places too with hundreds of people, trolleys and loudspeakers competing with each other! Accustoming your dog to all these noises is vital if you want to prevent them from getting stressed before, during and after the flight. 

While pet transportation services do everything they can to minimise your dog’s exposure to stressors, preparing your pooch for loud noises will help them cope better en route. Socialising your dog in crowd settings helps them to manage lots of activity while playing the sounds of airplanes on your sound system could acclimatise them to specific loud noises!

6. What to Do on the Day of the Flight

On the day of the flight, prepare your dog by doing the following:

Your pet transport company will ensure your dog is secure and comfortable in their travel crate before boarding the aircraft.

Final Thoughts

Preparing your pooch for air travel is vital whether you’re planning dog transport interstate or internationally. Ensuring your dog is safe and comfortable on international air flights helps you to relax as well!

There are many benefits to using pet transportation services so add it to your to do list and planning for your trip.