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7 Mistakes of Trucking Companies That Lead to Truck Accidents

The trucking business has attracted a significant number of investors, but only a few are succeeding in the field. The nature of the industry demand drivers to spend long hours on the road. This could mean experience and confidence. It could also mean a high chance of accidents due to fatigue. Road accidents involving trucks are complicated. If you are a victim, you need to get help from semi-truck accident lawyers to determine your legal options.

These accidents are a big deal because trucks carry heavy loads. Common driving mistakes that would be managed in a small car can have catastrophic effects on a truck. Negligence and unprofessionalism are among the root causes of accidents involving these large commercial vehicles.

1. Inadequate Driver Training

A significant percentage of truck accidents are due to driver error.

Irresponsible driver behavior, including speeding and poor judgment, all point to inadequate training.

Roads are dynamic and can be uncertain, but driving skills help maneuver the dangers.

Some trucking companies fail to subject their drivers to proper training. Mostly due to urgency or backlog of deliveries.

2. Unachievable Goals

Truck drivers face immense pressure to meet deadlines. Some employers set unrealistic schedules that force drivers to ignore fundamental road safety rules. Driving for long hours leads to fatigue and impaired judgment. Some sleep while driving.

3. Poor Vehicle Maintenance

Companies get lost in sourcing new clients or territories and forget the basics of the trucking business. Neglecting routine repairs and maintenance of vehicles pose a great risk. The driver of a neglected vehicle, other motorists, and the client’s goods are all at risk. Vehicle inspection and maintenance should be done regularly.

4. Unsecured Cargo

Trucks ferry heavy loads. In some cases, the integrity of the cargo is compromised and shifts during transit. This leaves the driver with little control of the vehicle. Such mistakes happen because of insufficient training on proper loading and securing cargo. Failing to inspect a loaded truck before departure also increases the risk.

5. Improper Loading

Unequal weight distribution may result in the shifting of cargo while in transit.

Such errors occur due to faulty equipment, negligence, or inexperienced staff.

Considering the significant weight carried by trucks, any shift can destabilize the vehicle and cause a tragic accident.

6. Mediocre Recruitment Process

The recruitment process should be structured to attract and bring on board the best staff. Failure to employ experienced and disciplined drivers set the tone for failure. Unless employing amateurs and training them is the strategy, a trucking company will encounter endless accidents.

7. Poor Remuneration

Startups in the trucking industry pay their drivers unattractive salaries. Drivers working in such conditions are bound to fend for other sources of income. This increases the chances of driver fatigue and distractions on the road. Low pay is also demotivating. A driver is unlikely to act responsibly with the vehicle and cargo.

Additionally, drivers earning wages endeavor to drive more trips to make more money. Fatigue often catches up with such drivers and increases the chances of accidents.

In a nutshell, heavy commercial accidents are not straightforward. This is why you need to get help from an experienced truck accident lawyer to determine who is at fault.