Pest control in restaurants, cafeterias, industrial kitchens and canteens of any establishment is a mandatory item to be considered, as the risk of food contamination due to the presence of pests is enormous.
Some pests can be vectors of different diseases, such as dysentery, diphtheria, salmonellosis, tuberculosis, among others.
If you run a food business, the health of your business depends on the hygiene and safety it offers to its customers.
A responsible pest control must have a global view and not be restricted to the interior of the establishment. Most of the time, rats and insects settle outside, where they stay and go inside the establishment just looking for food.
Table of Contents
The External Environments can be:
Rainwater Network;
Electric Gutters;
Water sources;
Firewood deposits, debris;
Stacked Stones;
When applying chemical control, your company must establish pre- and post-treatment procedures in order to avoid contamination of food, equipment and utensils. When applicable, equipment and utensils, before being reused, must be sanitized to remove residues of disinfectant products. There is no legal instrument that prohibits the use of insecticides and rodenticides in the internal areas of these establishments. But there are precautions to be taken regarding the use of these products.
A careful Analysis
Pest control requires a careful analysis of the physical environment and the conditions of hygiene, storage and entry of goods on site. Sometimes the place is clean, with good infrastructure, but pests can invade inside the cardboard boxes, plastic packaging that involves some foods, especially grains, pasta and bran, on wooden pallets. Make a good screening of all the material that arrives before entering the environment of your restaurant
Attention to Garbage
Restaurants produce large amounts of waste, which is just one more reason for pests to stick around. Do not stay with the kitchen waste for more than half a period. Empty them frequently. In the garbage dump, keep bags and bins tightly sealed. Put the garbage on the sidewalk just a few hours before collection, as rats can mainly be attracted by the large supply of food. Always clean the garbage dump and the trash can on the sidewalk. The smell also helps to attract various pests.
Preventive Measures
Depending on the production volume, periodically clean your grease box. The suggested frequency is at least 3 months. Always keep the fat boxes tightly closed to prevent them from becoming breeding grounds for these animals and insects. Decaying organic matter, moisture and favorable temperatures are full dishes for them. After the end of the shift, cleaning the environment becomes essential to ward off pests. Move benches, refrigerators and furniture regularly to clean up accumulated residues.
Sealing cracks in the floor and wall helps in controlling pests, especially cockroaches. Perform pest control in your establishment every 3 months. Take advantage of days when the restaurant is not open to fuse it and also to place fly traps.
Forms of Treatment
The application of chemical products should only be carried out when all preventive measures are adopted, and only products registered can be used. When the adoption of preventive measures is not sufficient to eliminate pests and the use of chemicals is necessary, a company specialized in pest control should be contracted.
In order to develop an effective sanitation program, the collaboration of your team is essential. Ask the pest control company to send preventive measures and to instruct your employees about the importance of keeping the environment clean so that everyone can do a good job of mutual inspection.
Finally, we hope the tips above can be of use. Thanks for reading.