Science / Health

6 Pieces of Equipment every Diabetic Person Needs

Diabetes is a serious condition wherein ta person’s blood sugar is constantly elevated. If this is not addressed as soon as possible, it might lead to insulin resistance. Technically diabetes is a condition wherein the body no longer creates insulin. If the condition gets any worse, the body might  start having symptoms such as stroke,vision loss and kidney problems.  As a whole, it is very important that you know how to manage your diabetes, and have the necessary pieces of equipment at the ready. Here are 6 pieces of equipment every Diabetic person needs.

1. Blood Pressure Monitor

Aside from a high glucose count, one of the main symptoms of diabetes is an elevated blood pressure. If you have diabetes, key aspects of your body are getting damaged. This includes your arteries. The more severe your diabetes, the more damaged your blood vessels will be. As a whole, it is very important that you keep an eye on your blood pressure. These are the early signs that your blood sugar is too low or high. This is where a blood pressure monitor comes in handy. By having a monitor on hand you will be able to constantly monitor your blood pressure on a daily basis. If you are going to purchase a blood pressure monitor, you should buy the best quality ones. Raycome is a company that provides wholesale blood pressure monitors for a myriad of hospitals. However, if you want to purchase a single unit of blood pressure monitor, they could also oblige to your needs.

2. Emergency Watch

If you are suffering from a more severe case of diabetes, you will need to take extra care of blood sugar. Your loved ones should also take precautions to keep track of your location as much as possible. No matter how careful you are, there are still instances wherein you might suffer from very low or high blood sugar. This is particularly dangerous,  because you will be at risk of getting a diabetic stroke. Once you suffer these conditions, you only have a few seconds of consciousness to call for help. This is where an emergency watch comes in very handy. 

By having an emergency watch at the ready, you will be able to call for help if ever these instances come to pass. The best thing about emergency watches is the fact that you don’t need to press a button or open your phone to get help. Instead, the watch could base your situation according to your blood pressure or if you fell over. Emergency watches are installed with a gps system that will alert authorities of your location. By having an emergency watch, you will be able to go on long treks or do more strenuous activities without fear of not getting help on time.

3. Blood Glucose Monitor 

Even if you are careful with your sugar consumption and insulin usage, there will always be times where you will forget to take it. This is a dangerous situation because if your blood sugar is too low or high, you might suffer very adverse effects.  It is very important that you check your blood sugar on a daily basis. This will ensure that you don’t go over or below your blood sugar levels.

4. Insulin Needles

If you are a diabetic, one of the most important things you will need to stay on top of is your insulin usage. Remember that you will need to inject insulin into your bloodstream on a daily basis. This will allow you to regulate your blood sugar. Whenever you inject insulin, it is important that you use fresh needles every time. You will be putting these needles into your bloodstream, if you use a needle that you already used before, you might risk getting infected or worse.

5. Insulin Pen

Bringing along insulin needles could be quite a hassle, and it could be expensive to buy in bulk. A great alternative to insulin needles is an insulin pen. Insulin pens are very efficient because you don’t need to bring a huge supply of insulin needles. Instead, you just need to fill them up with insulin before every use. Insulin needles are a lot easier to handle because they are portable. You could even adjust your insulin dosage according to your needs. If you are going to invest in reusable insulin pens, it is important that you clean them after each use. Remember that you will still be sticking them into your veins, so you should make sure that you boil them after each use.

6. Insulin  Pump

If you find insulin needles too inefficient or tedious, maybe you should use an insulin pump instead. An insulin pump is a device that makes the insulin injection process a lot more efficient. Insulin pumps are usually designed to be portable, and could be worn on your belt or inside your pocket. The insulin is filled inside the pump, and then you set a specific time for it. The pump is then inserted to a catheter area wherein the insulin will pump through. If you are going to use an insulin pump, it is very important that you keep your catheter area as clean as possible.

While a majority of diabetic people still use insulin needles, a good number are switching to insulin pumps as well. Their main advantage is convenience because you don’t need to constantly inject yourself with a needle. The only setback for insulin pumps, is that they are relatively more expensive, and are somewhat difficult to maintain.


If you are suffering from diabetes , it is important that you take the necessary precautions to control it, lest it gets any worse. By having these essential pieces of equipment, you will be able to control your diabetes as efficiently as possible.

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