
Type Of Wood Used For Concrete Formworks

Timber concrete formworks have been used for concrete structures ever since the very beginning. The use of timber formwork reduced the time and increased the ease of construction. Throughout history, formworks have been made of many materials like steel, plastic, etc.

Today, though a variety of concrete formworks have come into being and use, wooden formwork for concrete is still one of the most commonly used formworks due to its economical character and ease of construction.

A good concrete formwork must comply with the below conditions:

  1. The concrete formwork must be strong enough to take the load of the poured and compacted concrete as well as any other loads it might be subjected to.
  2. The inner surface of the concrete formwork must be smooth and texture-free unless the design demands it.
  3. The formwork must be easy to erect and easy to strip off the concrete when it’s time for removal.
  4. The concrete formwork must be behaviourally stable in all weathers.
  5. The formworks must be safe and easy to handle.
  6. Good concrete formwork must provide suitable access for the concrete when it is to be poured and compacted.
  7. The joints of the formwork must be leak-proof to prevent leakage and wastage of the concrete when it is in plastic form.

Traditionally, timber formwork for concrete structures is built-in-situ. Workers set up an array of timber or plywood boards to the desired heights and concrete is poured from the top. Panels of plywood or props provide support to the formwork and the concrete structure during the curing process.

Different types of wood used for the formworks of concrete structures:

Plain wood or engineered woods can be used to make timber formwork for concrete structures. Engineered woods already are smoothened and specifically designed to improve ease of assemblage and dismantling of formwork.

Formworks made of engineered woods are also reusable as they don’t twist or warp. Although engineered wood is more expensive than sawn lumber, it is stronger and more reliable. It is also cheaper than aluminium. The reusability factor makes it worth the additional cost and is often chosen over plain wood for formworks of concrete structures.

Plain wood is the cheapest timber material that can be used to make formworks for concrete structures. Workers ensure that no loose knots are remaining on the wood and treat it with oil or other materials before use. The oiling is done to prevent the wood from sticking to the poured concrete so that there is no physical damage to the concrete structure upon stripping the formwork. The oiling also helps with maintaining the quality of the formwork so that it can be used again.

The disadvantage of using wood as formwork material is that timber formworks have shorter life spans. 20% of plain wood formworks are discarded due to defects.

Although timber formwork is the best option for small-scale building construction, making the formworks for large-scale constructions becomes an excruciatingly time-consuming task.

As the cost of formworks is one of the major expenses in the construction business, firms and contractors prefer reusable formworks with larger life spans rather than plain wood formworks. At present, timber formworks are used where labour costs are low and in small scale-constructions. In large-scale constructions, timber formworks are used to mould concrete into complicated sections.

Timber has thus proven to be one of the most relevant materials in building construction and it is here to stay. From being used as an aesthetic material to being used as a concrete formwork for crucial building stages, the versatility and diversity of this material are endless. 

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