
Can You Make an ESports Career as a Student?

ESports popularity and prestige grew exponentially over the past decade. People still perceive it as something less relevant than traditional sports, but the impact and importance of the industry are undeniable. It attracts many promising athletes and opens doors of possibilities.

Finding your path in the world of gaming still requires some sweat and dedication. You can always count on the right time to shine. But many student gamers can testify that it’s harder than finding the answer to the question: who can write my paper for me, or help you with your daily chores. So, the short answer to the question is: yes, there is always a chance of turning gaming into a career.

The longer answer would involve research, patience, mental and financial resources. We highly recommend you stay in touch with reality but keep dreaming of horizons to conquer.


Realistically speaking, you either keep something as your hobby or push it to another level. The question always concerns not only the possibilities but also the downfalls. The last thing you want is to feel the existential crisis of millennia. Start with answering three important questions:

  • Am I ready to enter the industry?
  • Do I have a financial backup?
  • Can I keep up with my studies?

Be Prepared

We all know the saying: Choose a job you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.’ Yet, there’s a flipside to this coin that no one is ready to acknowledge. No one could say it better than a Brooklyn-based artist Adam J. Kurtz did: “Do what you love, and you’ll work hard all the time with no separation or any boundaries and take everything extremely personally.”

Be honest: how much effort are you ready to put into this career? Because if you treat it as a career, it would require more than just having fun. In the beginning, you would play the role of your own manager and boss. You would be the one responsible for strategy, time management, and other nuances. Having no boundaries between your craft and your life can create a toxic situation and impact your mental health.

Financial Backup

A poor quality video and connection delays may be an interesting take on a personal brand. Many streamers started with nothing but an in-built web camera, a poor-quality microphone, and their endless charisma. But if you plan to join a pro league, you would need top-notch gaming gear.

It’s better to avoid any unforeseen expenses and save money for your craft. If you have a job now, at some point, you would have to leave it. Gaming becomes a full-time career, and you would spend a lot of time mastering your skills. Often, this career doesn’t tolerate other distractions.  

Work-Life Balance

Yep, if you struggle with maintaining a work-life balance, you may feel trapped. As a student, you also have to be careful and thoughtful of your academic progress. The shift in your focus can jeopardize your chances to graduate with high marks or graduate at all. So, you have to be careful when managing the time and balance between choosing the path of making gaming your first career choice and finishing your BA.

Choose Your Niche

You have every chance to become a part of a team to compete in the international arena or focus on solo playing. Also, you can start your career on Twitch and YouTube.

In any case, it is relevant to focus on several important aspects to achieve greatness. Below are the golden rules for becoming the best in your niche.

Know your game

Knowing the rules of the game that you are planning to master is essential. You can develop your unique strategy of beating your competitors, going above and beyond the possible game mechanics. Yet, it would only be relevant once you know the basics. Practice different tactics, try various championships and investigate maps to be as effective as possible when playing on them.

Practice your skills

Like in a gym, gaming is a skill one must practice every day. It is beneficial to start step-by-step to avoid burnout and learn what can be improved. Master your gaming style and figure your signature moves and strategies.

It is also helpful to watch other teams or individual players, and make notes.

Focus on what is important to you

Make a name in setting a record in speed run or create the most comprehensive walkthrough out there. Whatever you plan to do, be invested in this area. It is always good to challenge yourself with something you haven’t tried, but it is easier to create the best content from what you love.

Be consistent

Consistency is a must when choosing platforms like Twitch or YouTube. You have to post content regularly, engage with the audience, and be your authentic self. That’s when time management skills and scheduling is a must.

At the same time, consistency involves developing a specific brand that is also different from other gamers. It is better to avoid plagiarizing and stealing others’ ideas.

Networking is key

Knowing the right people and showing your talent at the right time is the ingredient that can help you become famous. Become a part of a large community, and don’t be afraid to engage with other players. Cooperation is also one of the most gratifying parts of the ESports and gaming community. Even though ESports and gaming is a competitive industry, people respect good and fair competition.

Doubt You Want to Play? Gaming Still Can Be a Career

A career in the gaming industry includes being the first one to play games that millions of people would want to play. In case you want to be a part of the industry but are doubting being a player there are endless possibilities:

  • Game design;
  • Software engineering;
  • Translation and localization;
  • Voice acting, and many other areas.
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