Science / Health

Easy Ways To Look After Your Skin

Due to the expansion of the beauty industry and the growth of social media, there is a lot of emphasis on buying skin care products. It is so popular that there is a name for it-beauty hauls and this means showing off your shopping spree of the products you recently purchased. These products do not solve all our skin troubles and if you are following a 17-step skincare routine but still find yourself at loss, there are many different ways to take care of your skin. Let us take a look at them.

1. Cut down on the time you spend in the sun

Yes, you need to use sunscreen regularly but for the non-product part, it is time to play hide and seek. More than 90% of skin aging is due to the harmful UV rays of the sun, and this is especially applicable to folks who have lighter skin. It also increases the risk of skin cancer. This is a huge number and if you do not want the skin to age, it is ideal to limit the exposure to the sun or seek shade if you have to step out. Remember to protect your eyes as this is where you cannot apply sunscreen. Additionally, squinting does not protect your eyes and if you continue to squint, you could end up with more wrinkles and lines around the forehead area and the eye.

2.  Use a satin or silk pillowcase

You cannot rub the wrinkle on your skin but you can cause them while you are asleep. If you are a side sleeper, you could be smooshing your face in the pillow and causing friction between the fabric and the skin. It could lead to creases which can cause wrinkles as we sleep for a longer period of time. However, there is a solution. If you sleep on a silk pillowcase, the fabric will let the skin to slip and will reduce the chances of wrinkles.

3. Hydrate

Drinking water will not directly hydrate the skin but it will help the body to function better. Hydration will help the liver eliminate the toxins from your body and will reduce puffiness. It will also help with kidney function and could help skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. If you want to know whether you aren’t drinking enough water, you need to check your pee. Whenever there is a deep shade of amber, you must drink more water. 

4.  Avoid sugar

There are times when you need to sit back and think about how the skin is feeling and what you ate last week. Your diet has a direct impact on the skin and if your energy source is mainly refined carbohydrates and added sugar, you will see the effects of the same on your skin. Too much of anything can strain the skin and body. With too many exfoliating acids, you will strip your skin of the protective barrier, and just the same way, a lot of sugar will cause a rise in insulin in the body and cause inflammation. It will produce an enzyme that attaches to the collagen filers and could break them down causing them to lose flexibility and strength. If your skin has become vulnerable to sun damage, has more acne and noticeable lines and wrinkles, you need to check in with your diet and try to take back control. Let us assume you are dealing with a lot of stress, you will have to address it to relieve the brain energy and start eating home-cooked meals. The acne will get better or worse based on what you eat and a lot of skin problems are associated with the diet. If you eat a lot of sugar, it will put the oil glands in overdrive and will create a ground for acne to form. But there are products that can help counteract that. Hence, if refined carbs and sugar are your regular diet, you need to change them right away.

5.  Stop touching your face

It is very tempting to squeeze the pimple and put an end to the pain but it can create more damage to the skin than you can imagine. It is not worth the instant gratification. There is a specific type of acne which is caused by friction from touching the face which then pushes the bacteria back into the pore. Plus, picking can give you a scar which can last for months.

6.  Use lukewarm water to wash the face

Never use hot water for your face. Your skin has sebum which is a type of oil and it has wax-like consistency. So, when you use water to wash the face, it will melt the oil stripping the skin of the required moisture. The experts at recommend using lukewarm water as it allows the oil to warm up and gives a proper cleanse without stripping anything from it. Continue to massage the skin for an entire minute to make the most out of the cleanser.

7. Use clean makeup brushes

There is nothing as harmful as using old makeup and old makeup brushes. The bacteria, dust, oil, and sweat will accumulate on the makeup brushes and if you do not clean them regularly, the junk will be smeared on the face whenever you apply makeup and it can cause acne, pores, and inflammation. Hence, clean your makeup brushes each week.

8. Handle stress

Each time you are anxious or stressed, the body will release cortisol and it will activate the flight or fight response in the body. However, constant stress can lead to fatigued overdrive which is harmful to the skin. With a high level of cortisol, the skin can lose the glow because the ability to retain moisture will diminish. High cortisol can also lead to acne, cause a dull look and lead to premature wrinkles and inflammation. You must look for ways to handle stress more efficiently.

9. Workout

Getting sweaty is a good thing for your mind and body and it also has several benefits for the skin. Whenever you engage in physical activity, the blood will circulate in your body and it will take the nutrients and oxygen to all the cells. It will not only give you an instant glow but will also allow the skin to heal and repair faster. Physical activity can also help reduce stress and cortisol levels.

These are a few easy and effective ways of looking after your skin without spending a huge amount on the skincare products.

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