Science / Health

When Should I Seek Chiropractic Care After an Injury?

Individuals in a car accident need to seek medical care as soon as possible. A person might believe they didn’t sustain any injuries immediately following the collision only to learn later that they were wrong. Many common injuries present with no symptoms initially, so it’s best to let a medical doctor examine each person involved in the crash. This does not mean a trip to the emergency room is in order. If the injuries aren’t severe, visit a local urgent care center. However, make certain a doctor examines you to ensure you don’t have hidden injuries. 

When Should a Chiropractor Be Seen? 

After the initial visit with a doctor, consider seeing a chiropractor for follow-up care if the injuries aren’t severe. Internal bleeding and things of that nature must be addressed immediately, but whiplash can wait a day or two. The same holds for back pain related to the accident. Try to be seen by a chiropractor within 72 hours of the accident, so treatment can begin promptly and reduce the time needed for you to recover. 

Delayed Symptoms

The body attempts to heal itself in many cases. As it does so, inflammation comes and goes, which is why muscular and spinal injuries often take weeks to show themselves. During this period, the other muscles in the affected area overcompensate for those that are injured. This leaves the person with pain, stiffness, and a limited range of motion. 

A person might try to continue on with their normal activities, using pain medication to help them do so. While these medications may relieve the pain for a short period, it comes back again. In addition, managing the pain with medications can actually lead to additional damage and inflammation. The medication treats the symptoms but doesn’t address what is causing them. The chiropractor works to find the root cause and treat it. 

Chiropractic Care Following Other Treatment

When a person sustains a serious injury in a car accident, they may require immediate treatment in the form of surgery or another invasive procedure. This treatment saves their life but can come with some unexpected consequences. For instance, following a surgical procedure, a person may develop scar tissue that interferes with their ability to move freely. A chiropractor becomes of great help in restoring range of motion and flexibility. 

If you have scar tissue resulting from treatment to address injuries sustained in a car accident, visit a chiropractor. The chiropractor works to loosen this scar tissue and restore range of motion. This helps the body to heal effectively in less time. 

In addition, the chiropractor will align the patient’s spine following the accident. Although the patient may feel fine, the force of the impact could lead to a slight spinal misalignment that worsens over time. By visiting a chiropractor soon after the accident, the injured party can reduce the risk of this happening and prevent pain before it makes itself known. The chiropractor can even help to eliminate headaches and migraines associated with an automobile accident. 

Car accidents often come with far-reaching consequences. A person finds they can minimize these consequences by seeking chiropractic care soon after the accident. The chiropractor helps restore their range of motion, reduces or eliminates the pain they are experiencing, and more. Make this call today if you have been in a car accident. Doing so reduces your recovery time and allows you to return to normal life more rapidly. 

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