
5 Ways How To Work From Home With A Baby

Did you recently bring home a new bundle of joy? Are you looking for ways to be productive while working at home and taking care of your newborn at the same time? Use these ideas to help you remain a member of your work team while being the best parent you can be at the same time.

Take Advantage of Their Naptime

When you need to have important work meetings but are always taking care of your little one at home, it is important to take advantage of your baby’s naptime. This is perhaps the quietest time that you’ll have all day, so do what you can to stick to a nap schedule and hold your most important meetings during this quiet time. Immersive Zoom backgrounds can help to keep your audience focused on the task at hand rather than the cute little baby sleeping in the background.

Baby Carriers To Comfort Your Little One

If your little one is the type that always feels he or she needs to be close to you, it’s a good idea to work with your baby in a carrier that you can put on your back or front. When your baby is close to you, he or she is less likely to be fussy, which means it will be easier for you to make work phone calls or conduct work meetings as needed. Of course, you can also add backgrounds for Google Meet which will help to make the space behind you look more work-appropriate. Instead of focusing on playpens or piles of baby toys, the people you’re working with will see a virtual office.

Ask Someone For Help

Sometimes, new parents need help.Free Zoom backgrounds Officeonly go so far in presenting a professional background when you have your baby in the room with you. If your little one loves to make noise while he or she is awake and playing, it may be a good idea to hire someone to help you from time to time. Even if you only have a nanny or babysitter come in for one day a week, you can schedule your most important meetings on those days and be sure they are uninterrupted.

Work While You Feed the Baby

If you have times where you need to breastfeed or bottle-feed, then you have an excellent time when you know the baby will be quiet. You may not want to have video chats during this time, and answering emails is difficult with one hand, but feeding time is a great time to use your speakerphone and take care of any calls that you have been putting off throughout the week. Listen to voicemails, return phone calls, or do anything else you need to on the phone while your baby is eating.

Adjust Your Schedule

If your job doesn’t rely on a lot of video meetings or specifically timed phone calls, consider adjusting your schedule a little bit. Does your baby wake up at 8:00 a.m. every morning? Consider getting up at 6:00 a.m. to give yourself a couple of hours to answer emails or perform other work-related tasks uninterrupted. Maybe your baby falls asleep at 6:00 p.m. every evening. See if you can complete some work tasks after he or she goes to bed.

Working at home while your newborn is at home doesn’t mean you can’t be productive. It just means that you may adjust how you do things a little. These tips will help you get started.

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