Science / Health

What are the 5 most Common Eye Diseases in India?

Eye problems are serious issues that can hit you anytime at any age. With age, the severity of the issues sometimes increases. So it’s important to know the risk factors for eye conditions and take measures to keep your eyes healthy lifelong. You can visit the best ophthalmologist in Mumbai or anywhere you live to get your eyes checked and corrected.

What are some Common Eye Problems?

Talking about common eye problems, the list can go on and on. But in this blog, we’ll discuss the 5 most common and serious eye conditions that people generally skip checking with the eye doctor.

1. Dry eyes:

One of the most common eye issues these days is dry eyes. With excessive use of digital devices, the eyes can not produce enough tears or fluids that keep eyes hydrated. Hence, the eyes become painful and inflamed. People with chronic dry eyes feel discomfort while reading printed letters or on computers. Some visible symptoms include the following:

  • Eye redness
  • Itchy or burning eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Light sensitivity
  • A feeling that something has got into the eyes, etc.

Before it’s too late, it’s important to visit an experienced eye specialist if you experience these above symptoms in your eyes. Although dry eyes are not a serious issue initially, if left untreated, they can cause severe vision problems in later days.

2. Glaucoma:

People over the age of 40 are well aware of Glaucoma. It’s a leading cause of vision loss in people over the age of 60. In this disease, fluid builds up in the front part of the eye and creates a damaging effect on the optic nerve. To protect the eyes from damaging effects, we recommend you opt for yearly eye exams with the leading glaucoma specialist in Mumbai. Your eye specialist will examine your eyes and suggest the best treatment for your eyes. Some common symptoms include:

  • Tunnel vision
  • Loss of side vision
  • Seeing halos around lights
  • Eye redness or pain in the eye etc.

3. Cataracts:

With age, the lenses in the eyes tend to become cloudy. However, cataracts might not interfere with your vision and lifestyle. But as they deteriorate, people face problems with their night vision, driving, reading, etc. Some typical signs of cataracts include:

  • Problems with night vision
  • Fading colours
  • Foggy vision
  • Light sensitivity
  • Seeing glares around lights
  • Need for bright light to see fine details or read books etc.

Regular eye checkups can help identify cataracts. So if you notice these signs we have mentioned above, see your doctor right away.

4. Diabetic retinopathy:

People with elevated blood sugar levels for a prolonged time often suffer from diabetic retinopathy. High blood sugar damages the retina and

detaches it from the core, thereby causing vision loss. In the early stages, there might not be any symptoms. But you must opt for the best retina treatment in Mumbai or anywhere you stay if you notice the following symptoms:

  • Blurry vision
  • Faded colours
  • Floaters or spots in the vision
  • Blank areas or dark spots in the vision
  • Changing vision from blurry to clear
  • Loss of vision, etc.

Protecting your eyes from diabetic retinopathy requires you to control your blood sugar and blood pressure levels. On top of that, you must get a complete eye checkup to identify and treat any problems at an early stage.

5. Macular degeneration:

In this disease, the macula or the central part of the retina wears away with age. There can be blind spots in the central vision of your eye. You might feel discomfort in reading, watching TV, driving a car, recognizing faces, etc. Often there can not be any signs in most patients. With the progress of the disease, some symptoms become visible and these are:

  • Blurry dark areas in the central vision
  • Straight lines look bent
  • Difficulty in recognizing faces
  • Problem in seeing fine details etc.

Regular eye checkups with a good ophthalmologist in Mumbai can help identify and treat macular degeneration and other eye diseases.

Protect Your Eyes with Arohi Eye Hospital

Protecting your eyes and eyesight does not require a lot on your part. You just need to go for regular eye checkups and ensure that you maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout. Arohi Eye Hospital is the leading place for eye care in Mumbai. With us, you get the best vision treatment for any eye disease. Get in touch with us to protect your eyes from serious eye issues in the long run.

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