Science / Health

The Top 6 Benefits of Boot Camp

Boot camp is taking the world by storm and it’s easy to see why. These group fitness classes are not only fun but have a wide range of surprising benefits to boot. In today’s article, we are going to look at some of these and find out just what all the fuss is about.

Boot camp was originally started in the military with a high focus on exercising key areas such as your core. The exercises were aimed at getting you in shape very fast, through intensive physical workouts designed to push your body to its limits. These days boot camp is structured as a fun workout designed to get you fit and healthy in record time.

Here’s why you should give it a try.  

The Extra Push

When you oversee your own fitness at the gym, you may slack off, or not push yourself as hard as you can. In contrast, boot fitness classes offer high-intensity interval training in a fun atmosphere. If you find it difficult to motivate yourself, then boot camp may be helpful to reach your fitness goals.

When you exercise in a group you will be motivated to push yourself a lot harder compared to training on your own. There is less chance that you will miss a class because you feel a sense of duty to the rest of the group. This means that you will exercise more often, giving you a leaner, fitter you in less time than before.

Also, boot camp offers a few different exercises, so your body is less likely to plateau. You can get a whole-body strength and cardio workout in a one-hour session.

Burn Calories Faster and More Efficiently

Boot camp consists of exercises such as kickboxing, aerobic routines, running, resistance training and a myriad of others. These exercises are performed at a high intensity to burn calories faster and more efficiently. The intense workouts improve your muscle definition and help you appear toned much faster.

Boot camp is amazing for those that want to lose weight quickly. The intense physical exercise will increase your aerobic capacity and bring cardiovascular benefits resulting in a healthier body. The more you exercise the less likely you are to suffer from heart disease.

Fun With Friends

The key to a great workout is sticking with it. If the workout is fun, then you’re more likely to want to do it—again and again.

At boot camp you are part of a group, everyone is there for the same reason, and group members motivate each other to reach their fitness goals. This group mentality is an excellent motivator to keep working towards a goal.

In addition, the variety of exercises ensures that you will never be bored. Couple this with group ethos and camaraderie and you have the best recipe for success.

Mental Health Benefits

Regular exercise is great for your mental health and helps you sleep better at night. If you do morning sessions, you may find that you have more energy during the day and even feel less anxious. That’s because your body produces hormones called endorphins when you exercise. These hormones elevate your mood and fill you with a sense of happiness and accomplishment.

Boot camp exercises are even known to relieve the effects and symptoms of bipolar and attention deficit disorder. You’re bound to think more clearly and be able to focus throughout your day.

Going Green

Boot camp is the optimal way to obtain both physical and mental health improvements through “green exercise”. Using nature as your gym has multiple benefits! For one thing, you can do the exercises you learn at boot camp anywhere, at any time, usually with minimal or no equipment.

Furthermore, the exercises are performed outdoors so participants are exposed to nature, fresh air and more vitamin D thanks to exposure to the sun. This is necessary for a healthy immune system, the absorption of calcium and muscle function.

It’s much healthier to exercise outdoors than in a stuffy gym with fluorescent lighting. The exercises are often performed on uneven ground which helps improve your core stability and peripheral muscles. Breathing in the fresh air is excellent for your lungs and overall fitness ability.

It Makes Practical and Financial Sense

The classes are designed and customised to the groups’ level of skill and fitness ability. So, you’re getting a personalised experience if you simply join the right group.

You can enjoy this benefit at a very affordable rate. For example, sharing an instructor means that the price is significantly lower than your average gym membership fees. Your fitness instructor will educate the group on overall health and fitness tips as well as provide nutrition education. Therefore, you need to pay fewer fitness consultants, but you’ll have excellent outcomes all the same.

The Finish Line

If you’re looking to get in shape in a group setting, there is nothing quite as effective as boot camp. During the high-intensity workouts, you burn an average of 7.8 calories every 10 minutes. Not only do you lose weight quickly, but you also improve your strength and overall fitness levels at the same time.

It’s helping thousands of people around the globe maintain their health. Isn’t it time you join in?

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