
Reasons Why Search Engine Rankings Are Important for Law Firms

When you go to a search engine, such as Google or Bing and you type in a search query, such as lawyers near me, the list of attorneys that you are provided is not random. The list goes in a specific order based on search engine rankings. The way your law firm ranks has a direct effect on people finding you when they enter specific queries. As such, you may want to spend money on search engine optimization, or SEO, to help boost your rankings with these search engines. Read on to learn more about why this is so important for your law firm.     

People Find Lawyers Using Search Engines

The number one reason why search engines are important for law firms is because search engines is the number one way that people find an attorney when they need to work with one. People do not go to a phone book or drive around town looking for an attorney. The majority go to their preferred search engine and do a search for the type of lawyer they are looking to hire. They then do other searches to learn about the reputation of a company and find out if they want to do business with that law firm. If you are not ranking well with search engines, these potential clients may not be able to find you. 

Lawyers Need Ongoing Clients to Stay Afloat

Another reason why search engine rankings are so important for law firms is due to the fact that attorneys need ongoing clients to stay afloat. Unlike other types of businesses, such as restaurants and clothing stores, lawyers do not get many repeat clients, especially personal injury lawyers and divorce lawyers. As such, they constantly have to advertise, so they have a steady stream of potential clients coming in. Putting some of your advertising budget toward SEO helps to ensure clients can always find you, and thus, always make their way to your legal firm. 

SEO Is an Affordable Way to Advertise Your Law Firm

The third reason why search engine rankings are so important for law firms is because SEO, or the advertising technique that is designed to help boost your search engine rankings, is actually an affordable way to advertise. Many SEO techniques also do more than just boost your rankings with search engines. They help with your brand identity, help increase engagement with your customers, and help improve your online presence, all of which can be beneficial both now and in the future to your business.

Your Competitors Are Utilzing Search Engine Optimization  

The final reason why your search engine ranking is so important for your law firm is that if you are not worried about your search engine position, you are creating an opportunity for your competitors to advance. Statistically speaking, your competitors are likely utilizing search engine optimization techniques and improving their search engine position. By failing to compete with them, you are leaving the door wide open for them to not only supersede you, but to also have a more successful business. 

Search engine rankings are not random. If your law firm is not utilizing search engine optimization techniques, you may be ranked low with search engines and new clients may have a hard time finding you, which can affect your ability to stay in business or stay ahead of your competitors. When you are in need of SEO for your law firm, look for a company that specializes in legal or law firm SEO to maximize the benefits of search engine optimization for your law firm. 

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