
Drupal’s Theming System: A Guide for Designers

Drupal is a powerful content management system (CMS) that empowers individuals and organizations to create stunning websites and web applications. One of the key aspects of Drupal’s flexibility lies in its theming system, which allows designers to customize the appearance and layout of their Drupal websites. In this guide, we will explore the fundamentals of Drupal’s theming system and provide tips for designers to master it.

Understanding Drupal’s theming architecture

Before diving into theming, it’s essential to grasp the basic architecture of Drupal’s theming system. Drupal follows a template-based theming approach, where the visual presentation of the website is controlled by templates. These templates are written in PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and are responsible for rendering different components of the website.

The primary building block of Drupal theming is the theme layer. A theme in Drupal consists of several files and directories that define the appearance and behavior of the website. The most crucial file in a theme is the “.info.yml” file, which contains metadata about the theme, such as its name, description, and regions.

Overriding default templates

Drupal provides a range of default templates that control the appearance of various elements on a website. To customize the look and feel, designers can override these default templates with their own versions. By creating a new template file with the same name in the theme directory, designers can modify the HTML structure, add or remove classes, and alter the overall presentation of the element.

Customizing functionality

If needed, you can add custom functionality to your theme by creating a ‘theme_name.theme’ file. This file enables you to define preprocess functions and modify the behavior of your theme. Leveraging this file, you can manipulate template variables, add new functionality, and interact with Drupal’s rendering process.

Using template suggestions

Drupal’s theming system offers a powerful feature called template suggestions. These suggestions allow designers to create multiple template files for a specific element, enabling granular control over the appearance of different sections or content types. For example, if you want to style a particular content type differently, you can create a template file specific to that content type, following the naming convention “node–contenttype.html.twig.”

Leveraging theme settings and regions

Drupal allows designers to define theme settings and regions, providing an intuitive way to manage the layout and design options. Theme settings enable non-technical users to customize aspects like color schemes, fonts, and logos without touching the code. Designers can define these settings in the “.info.yml” file and retrieve them in template files to apply the desired styles.

Regions, on the other hand, are specific areas in a Drupal website’s layout where content can be placed. By defining regions in the theme file, designers can control the placement and organization of various elements, such as the header, sidebar, and footer. These regions are then populated with content through the Drupal administration interface.

Utilizing CSS and JavaScript

Designers can enhance the visual appeal and interactivity of Drupal websites by adding custom CSS and JavaScriptfiles to their themes. By leveraging CSS, they can override existing styles or introduce new styles to create a unique look. JavaScript can be used to add dynamic behavior and interactivity to various elements on the website.

To ensure compatibility and maintainability, it’s recommended to follow best practices when writing CSS and JavaScript code. Using preprocess functions in Drupal allows designers to manipulate variables before they are rendered, enabling more flexibility and control over the theming process.

Theming best practices

To ensure a smooth theming process in Drupal, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

Follow Drupal coding standards

Drupal has specific coding standards that developers and themers should adhere to. Following these standards ensures consistency and compatibility with other Drupal modules and themes.

Leverage Drupal’s theming hooks

Drupal provides theming hooks that allow you to modify and customize various aspects of the theme. Hooks like hook_preprocess() and hook_theme() can be used to alter template variables and create custom theme functions.

Use responsive design 

With the increasing use of mobile devices, it’s crucial to design themes that are responsive and adapt to different screen sizes. Drupal provides responsive theming techniques like CSS media queries and breakpoint management to achieve a mobile-friendly design.

Test and debug

Always test your theme on different browsers and devices to ensure compatibility and responsiveness. Drupal’s built-in theme debugging tools like the Twig Debugging and the Devel module can help identify and fix any issues.


Drupal’s theming system provides designers with immense power and flexibility to create visually stunning and engaging websites. By understanding the architecture and utilizing the various tools and techniques available, designers can master Drupal’s theming system and unleash their creativity. Whether it’s overriding templates, using template suggestions, leveraging theme settings and regions, or adding custom CSS and JavaScript, the possibilities are endless when it comes to Drupal theming. So, go ahead, dive into the world of Drupal theming, and create extraordinary digital experiences.

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