
Top Reasons Why Visitors Don’t Buy from Your Shopify ECommerce Store

Like a smart businessman, you paid all the attention to statistics on building a perfect Shopify eCommerce store and getting organic traffic, still, there are no sales. So, what went wrong that even a perfectly tailor-made eCommerce website is not generating any profit for the owner? It’s important to know why people are not buying from your store and its root cause to fix it.

In this article, we will shed some light on the problems and their solutions listed down to help boost the revenue of your eCommerce website:

Unexpected Shipping and Hidden Charges

Often, a buyer is at the checkout page to buy the item, and suddenly the overall charges after including the shipping cost go unexpectedly high. This irritates the buyer and stop him/her from purchasing  and compel them to abandon the website. Not showing the shipping charges initially can upset the customer so much that he will not return to your site ever. To deal with this, ensure that any extra charge on top of the product’s base price is shown to the visitor as soon as possible.

The best possible place to show shipping cost is to display it on the product listing page or home page and if you are providing free shipping above an individual sale, mention it on each page of the website to gather users’ attention. You can ask your Shopify web design service team to add the functionality to show an indicative shipping cost at all points in the shopping cart.

Your Competitor offers a better deal

Usually, this happens with the resellers, where the retailers offer an attractive deal on the product that a buyer leaves your website without making a purchase. Before buying an product a buyer compares the price of that item on different online stores. To avoid this without reducing your worth, you can offer the benefits of shopping with your store or show the product at an extra cost if s/he buys the next day. You can also win over your competitors by adding relevant testimonials.

Long and complicated check out process

A user usually buys online for convenience and to save time. What if you are not failing in both the processes? Having loads of steps in the checkout process and making the overall payment process complicated can cause a drop in sales. Allow first-time users to check out as a guest without making them sign up for the lengthy registration. Offer them to register at a later stage with discounts and other unavoidable offers. Add autofill feature for sign up form fields or make some fields optional to reduce check out time. Add multiple payment methods to let them choose their preferred payment mode. Shopify offer templates for accessible sign-up forms that can be added easily to your site.

Didn’t Like the Product?

There nothing you can do about it if the visitor does not like your product. But if you can collect buyers’  email, you can send remarketing emails to show alternative products that might tempt the customer to buy it. The customer will come back to the site if s/he needs the work. So, aim for capturing the user’s email if s/he is not purchasing for the first time. You can attract these visitors with better offers in the future by staying in touch through emails.

Unsuitable Delivery Options

As discussed above, added shipping price for delivery is one of the key reasons users don’t complete the buying process. To make them meet the sale, offer free shipping that is slow and a premium one, that is fast and dispatches ‘Next Day.’ Once you make the delivery suitable for them, they will no longer take the time to make the sale.

Before offering them next day delivery options, make sure to check the inventory if the item is available and ready to dispatch. With free delivery, don’t forget to mention that it will take some time to deliver so that they can opt for the premium delivery option. Use the combination of both.


So now you know why the visitors abandon the carts and do not buy from your store. If you find any of these reasons stopping them from completing the process, make the corrections right now. Your business will not grow until your customers buy from your store. So, focus on the things that would make things comfortable and convenient for them, not just for browsing but also for buying.

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