There are many Australians who have quit their day jobs to make a good living selling products online, and if you are thinking of doing the same, this article was written with you in mind. Of course, much like any business, you must do your market research, and you need to choose your product line very carefully, as a wrong decision will lead to failure.
Setting Up your Website
Unless you happen to be a web developer, you should outsource the design and build of your e-commerce platform to an established web designer, who can incorporate your design concepts into the project. The site should have fast-loading pages and be professionally written, while being easy to navigate, and if you wish, the web developer would be happy to act as your website administrator.
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Digital Marketing
If you want potential customers to be able to find your digital platform, search engine optimisation services are required, as this will improve your ranking within a Google specific keyword search. Millions of online consumers use Google to search for products and services, and with SEO services, your e-commerce platform will be more visible to potential customers. SEO services should be ongoing, due to the ever-changing nature of the Internet, and the smart entrepreneur invests heavily in SEO, as they know the benefits this will bring. Regarding social media, here are a few Instagram tips to boost your online presence.
Cyber Security
If your website accepts payment, then the site needs to be secure, which you can obtain with a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate, which can be added to the site’s coding. Then you will see a small padlock icon at the far left of the web address window, and when a site visitor sees the icon, they know that their financial data is safe. Your webmaster can facilitate the SSL Certificate, which would cost $30-50, which is a small price to pay for top-notch web security. Here is a link to the Australian government website regarding cyber-security, which is well worth a visit, as this will help you gain a deeper understanding of cyber-security.
Product Supplier
Of course, you need a reliable product supplier, a company that can handle a high volume of orders, and most wholesalers will offer their customer a 30-day line of credit, which will help you financially. Do not make the mistake of going for cheap products, as there is no future for any business that sells inferior goods, you need to find a balance between quality and price, as today’s consumer wants both quality and affordability.
The best solution is to outsource picking, packing and delivery to a third-party logistics company (3PL), who has the know-how and the resources to fulfil your orders in a timely manner. All you do is send your products and packaging to the 3PL company, then simply forward orders as they come in, and your logistics partner will handle everything.
As the site owner, you can manage your business from your laptop, while your 3PL partner does all the hard work, and with cutting edge SEO services, you will enjoy a large number of site visitors.