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A Guide to Modern Tech: Why it Will Continue to Revolutionize the Customer Experience

As a business it is essential to have your customer experiences and interactions at the core of what you do. Having an excellent product or service is good, but without the service and engagement with customers and clients to turn buyers into lifelong followers of your brand, this simply won’t be enough. This article shows why the modern customer experience has been transformed by the use of the available and most appropriate technology that there is.


The rise of short form video clips and their use for everything, from humor to news and entertainment, make them an essential part of any new and up to date customer experience. If it’s video that your customers are watching, then it’s video that you need to be providing them in an effort to build the brand and a community around this brand.

Real time messaging

Customers are all about the immediacy of their interactions and it is now proven that customers prefer instant, real time direct messaging as opposed to emails and text messaging. The mobile smart phone allows your customers to be online and in your shop at any time of the day. They thus also expect to be able to message and ask questions and get responses in the same way. The principle is simple, and if you allow access to services and products then you must also allow and provide access to customer support as part of the overall customer digital experience that your business provides.

It is now all online

It may be virtual and in the cloud. Your customers and clients need to know this and be aware of the various online offerings and opportunities for communication and interaction that you have. The modern customer experience as described by Simpplr is now based entirely online and accessed via smart phone, PC, laptop and on platforms that range from social media to simple chat apps and product review sites. If your business aims to keep pace with your competition and build a viable customer base, then you too need to be online.


Allowing customers to design and control the customer experience to some degree is now also possible with the tech that is available. From virtual reality dressing rooms and augmented reality to assisting customers to choose kitchens and bathroom furniture, self-service is on the rise and must be a feature of the customer experience that you are able to implement with the professional digital transformation towards modern tech in your marketing techniques.

Final comments

The trend towards customer success rather than simply service will only be possible with the use of the best tech that your business can afford to buy. Furthermore, this tech must be premised on what your customers (or preferred and expected customers) and clients are using. There is no point being on Facebook if all of your customers and clients use Instagram and Reddit or are gamers on Twitch. Modern technology is indeed revolutionizing the manner in which we are able to reach clients and customers, but also the way we are able to plan and think about this vital business stakeholder. Lastly, the appropriate tech as briefly discussed above, also provides for an increasingly targeted and long-term manner in which to build the customer relationship.