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Addiction To Your Smartphone: Here Are 10 Ways To Curb It

Did you know that smartphone addiction can take a toll on you? It’s true. To further discuss this, we’ve provided you with 10 ways on how you can curb it so it doesn’t take control of your life.

Yes, we live in a world dominated by technology. However, we can use it in ways that won’t affect us negatively. If you believe you’re dealing with technology addiction, The Heights Treatment can help.

You can find out more information via their website here: Let’s get started with the list below.

1.   Set your phone use limits

To begin, it’s important to set limits on how you use your phone. This includes times of the day where you need to power down and not touch it at all. Set a schedule and stick with it.

For example, you should shut it down at least two hours before bed. This way, the blue light that emits from your phone doesn’t reduce the natural levels of melatonin in your system. Please note that while the built in nightlight feature can help, it still may not be enough due to ‘information overload’.

Information overload can lead to racing thoughts and picking up the phone. Then it leads to a rabbit hole like Googling for information pertaining to your thoughts.

2.   Shut off notifications

If there is one thing that will turn your attention to your smartphone, it’s notifications. It’s important to shut off the notifications for various apps. Especially the ones where such notifications are not important.

You can also schedule times where your phone can switch to ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode. During this time period, you won’t receive notifications until the following day. Manually disabling notifications or ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode can be applicable depending on your needs and preferences.

3.   Consider alternative activities

You can put down the phone and consider other activities whether they be indoors or outdoors. This can be going outside for a walk, reading a book, or spending time with friends or family. These are some of a few examples of what you can do without the use of your smartphone.

You may even take up a hobby that you know you’ll enjoy. Learn a new skill if you’re interested. The point here is there is more to life than being on your phone constantly.

4.   Keep your phone out of close reach

Your phone should be situated somewhere that isn’t closest to you. For example, if you have a desk across the room from your bed, place the phone on your desk. This will be a good place to put it when you are going to bed at night.

Or if you are studying in your living room, place your phone away from you. It can be on the TV stand across the room from where you’re sitting. Alternatively, you can place the phone in a different room.

Either way, keeping it farther than an arm’s reach away is sufficient enough.

5.   Consider a usage tracking app

It may be a good idea to track how much you use your smartphone. This best way to do this is download a tracking app. The modern iPhones may already have this feature.

It will notify you of how long you have been using your phone. You can receive a report on how often you use it every day, week, or month. You can use the data to analyze how often you use your phone.

And from there, you can decide how much time you can save. Imagine where all that new time can be invested in. Including spending time with people who are important to you.

Or even that new hobby you’ve been dying to do for awhile now.

6.   Don’t be afraid to go ‘phone-free’

If you really want to, go ‘phone-free’. Meaning you can schedule hours in the day where you shouldn’t use your phone. It can be during times when you are working, at home spending time with family, or even going to sleep.

You can also set rules as well. If you are eating dinner at the table, put your phone in a different room. If there is a cutoff time of when you won’t be using your phone, enforce that.

7.   Disconnect from your phone (but not in the way you think)

In this context, we mean leaving the phone alone. Go outdoors and enjoy something. Or even shut it off for a few hours.

It’s always a good idea to ‘disconnect’ yourself from your phone, albeit temporarily. No, we don’t mean canceling your service and throwing away your phone altogether. It never hurts to power down your phone during parts of the day.

8.   Find alternative forms of connection

You can stay connected with friends, family, and other people without your phone. One of the best ways to do this is face-to-face communication. Visit your friends or family.

Go out and meet new people by joining groups that pertain to your interests. Take a class on a new skill you want to learn. The options are endless.

Plus, without being addicted to your smartphone, you’ll be able to communicate with people properly. And that will set you ahead of the many people that may not be able to hold a conversation due to being on their phones all the time.

9.   Use it for specific tasks

You can use your phone for tasks that can be beneficial to you. This includes listening to podcasts or music, tracking your workout progress, or even using the calculator to crunch numbers. Simple, non-entertaining tasks, so to speak.

10.  Take a break

There’s no harm in taking a break. Even if it’s an extended one at that. You’ll be able to enjoy the world around you when your phone isn’t being distracting.

There may be a time and a place to use social media or entertain yourself. However, you can choose a time to step away from the phone and do things that are enjoyable.