Burning Crusade Classic is a remake of the first authentic World of Warcraft expansion by Blizzard Entertainment. This expansion sends players back into the Dark Portal to Outland, a world devastated by the onslaught of the Burning Legion. Burning Crusade Classic is a re-creation of the original 14 years ago. This version is “a perfect fit for everything” and had attracted the interest of so many players over the past few years. To note, the rumors had spread several years before its launch last month).

With the rollout of the Burning Crusade Classic, every WoW Classic character has the opportunity to migrate to a realm dedicated to Blizzard’s first remastered expansion of the MMORPG. Discover the options available to you and especially the drawbacks of doing this character transfer ‘trip’.
With the rollout of the Burning Crusade Classic, Blizzard is offering WoW Classic players three options regarding the future of each of your characters in the remastered version of their MMORPG, some are paid, but others are not.
To understand how these possibilities work, we must first understand that each WoW Classic realm will be dedicated exclusively to the Classic era, while new ones will be created to welcome characters who are destined to venture into Outland. In short:
- – The WoW Classic realms will continue to exist and will be dedicated to the Classic era.
- – New realms will be created and dedicated to Burning Crusade Classic (upcoming).
- – Important: Access to these realms, both those dedicated to Burning Crusade Classic and those dedicated to the Classic era, is included in the World of Warcraft subscription. No additional purchase is required, not even to access Burning Crusade Classic content.
- Each character can, therefore:
- – Choosing to stay in one of the realms dedicated to Burning Crusade Classic will no longer have access to those dedicated to realms dedicated to the Classic era.
- – Choosing to migrate a realm dedicated to the Classic era, then you will not have access to Burning Crusade Classic content
- – Choosing to be cloned to be sent to a realm dedicated to the Classic era, but also to remain in your realm dedicated to Burning Crusade Classic.
- – By migrating your character to a Burning Crusade Era, you will get all of your character’s items and WoW Classic TBC gold transferred to the BC era as well.
The first two possibilities are completely free but prevent characters who opt for them from accessing any type of content that is not from their realm, be it from the Classic era or Burning Crusade Classic, the third is only available, with a price from more than $30 per cloned character.
Of course, it is obvious that the Draenei and the Blood Elves cannot be created in the Dedicated Realm of the Classic era, nor can they be cloned.
Finally, the content featuring the opening of the Dark Portal and leading players to subsequently travel to Outland to defeat Illidan and his troops is only accessible to characters who are sent to realms dedicated to Burning Crusade Classic (whether cloned or not).
In order to combat players escapting to the upcoming Ashes of Creation MMO and powerleveling and TBC WoW Account sales, Blizzard now allows 58 Level paid character boost, meaning you can get instant level 58 character.