Don’t confuse yourself for being old school if you believe that giving one chocolate is the show of pure love that seeks no materialist pleasure, because it is quite the opposite. The most outward show of love is the one remembered for the longest time. The idea here is certainly not to give a diamond ring but to do personalised and heartfelt things that leave an impression on your partner’s mind. Well why all these questions have been posted up just now, let us remind you the chocolate day will bang your doors in less than a week. Have you made any preparation on the subject, we figured not. And if you claim your idea of one chocolate is perfect for a chocolate day in the glorious valentine week, we, my friend want to help you find more appealing and personalised ideas that are pocket friendly and certainly the most iconic and flaunt worthy.
So for chocolate day special gift here are some chocolate flavour edibles you can give to your partner that aren’t too mundane and also least expected.
. Ice cream cake
Ice cream cakes are literally the heavenly dish that if you haven’t tried, you really want to do it sometime soon. They are cold with layers of ice cream instead of cake cream between the bread. They are big in size, and due to extreme coldness, they are not eaten in a gulp as is the cake with usual cakes. You may get a plain chocolate cake or choco chips flavoured cake and enjoy the pleasant taste.
. Customised chocolate
Customised chocolates are an all-time favourite thing, especially in times of occasions. They give a touch of love and stay as a piece of our heart forever. You can get ones with wrappers that have special notes or ones that come in a set with one letter on each chocolate, making a name or a message.
. Name slate
Chocolates now come in extremely wide varieties one of which are those that come in the shape of nameplates. It’s a tile-like shape with chocolate cubes divided equally. Each of the time or cube of chocolate has some letter on it that ultimately makes up words. In your case, it can be “Happy valentines day baby”, just how personalised these are, makes up for the whole deal.
. Handmade chocolates
If you are passionate about cooking, you need no convincing, but if you are not, then this is not just a task but a test also. You can show your partner how you love them immensely by giving them handmade chocolates that you have made. You can make a set in multi flavours like vanilla, dark chocolate, milk ones and ones with nuts as well.
. Chocolate made idols
This one is the farthest of what you would have thought, but you can also get idols of chocolate made especially for valentines day. You can either go your own caricatures, or you can get shapes that resemble valentines days like a heart or a flower. After you are done embracing the art, you can fill your tummies with scrumptious chocolates.
. Chocolate lollipops
Chocolate lollipops were an everyday thing when we were kids, but that’s not what we are going for here. It’s a big chocolaty lollipop that if customised, can also be made with little messages stuffed inside. It can be as per your size preference, and also you have along with it a whole cart with ice cream heart and other shaped chocolates.
. Customised photo cakes
Going for a chocolate cake, you can also go a little extravagant and choose a photo cake with a picture of you and your loved one on it. This way, you get to eat something delicious in an abundant quantity but also make a momentous moment out of it by choosing to for a photo cake. Choose the cake in chocolate flavour only because don’t forget it’s the chocolate day.
. Personalised cupcakes
The last and the most outstanding option is to go for personalised cupcakes. These have your pictures or alphabets on the top and come in as many you require. You can get these in photos and in multi flavours too. And the most important part is that you get too many of them, it’s a whole bash.
Do the ideas seem appealing to you because it does to us, choose your option now.