
Deep Discussion about Apple Car Team Dismissed: Issues and Alternatives

It has come to knowledge for many years that Apple would build a car that will be driverless. The car will be completely built on system of Artificial Intelligence. Apple started talking about the manufacturing of Apple car back in 2014.

The possibility of successful manufacturing of Apple car still seems to be incomplete because there is no proper arrangement for this development.

Issues concerning Apple Car

There have been discussed many issues which are the main reason behind the long postponement of Apple Car.

No Proper Team

There is no proper team for this purpose which is really noticeable thing that without a proper, Apple is unable to complete their promised car. CEO of Apple spoke to audience that would be change of entire team within 3-6 months because existing team does not know to build a car.

Building a car which is fully automotive is really a hard and big   task. So, that team is unable to perform this task.

Leadership Changes

There is another big issue that Apple has changed many times the leadership of the development that has caused a big problem for not being able to produce a car they have promised to audience. Project has also been shifted many times that created a lot of problems concerning the development of Apple Car.

It has happened because of there is continuously change due to internal strife concerns. Apple, in 2016, demonstrated that they would be able to produce an Apple Car by 2020. Again, Apple became unable to fulfil their promise.

Full Autonomous Car – Rumor

Now, there are again rumors that Apple will be able to produce a full autonomous car that will be requiring no driver. Also, Apple Car will not have any steering wheel or any pedals.

When there is no steering wheel, definitely, there will be no use of pedals that Apple Car will not be giving. But these are still rumors which are not confirmed.

Collaboration with Companies

They will also be seeking help from any other manufacture company that produces car already because Apple alone cannot perform this action as company has no information or knowledge about it using which they can produce an Apple Car. This all came through rumors.

Collaboration with other companies occurred because Apple has no experience regarding production of vehicles. That is why, Apple is going to work with other car producing company so that Apple will be able to produce their desired car.

It is not yet known who Apple will be working with. But rumors have demonstrated that Apple has discussed with Hyundai concerning the production of Apple Car.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Some people who invented Apple Watch joined this project of manufacturing of Apple Car as they know about the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. These people can push the company towards building an Apple Car utilizing the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Same Apple Chip – by TSMC

It has been narrated that Apple will be using the same chip for Artificial Intelligence which they are using in their iPhones, iPad and Mac. This chip, Apple says, is the most powerful that can easily control full autonomous Artificial Intelligence based vehicles. TSMC will be producing these chips because this is the same company that is working for Apple and producing chips for their iPhones, iPad and Mac.

New Integration of Software, Hardware and Services

Apple says they will produce new integration of software of hardware which is really time consuming and not possible in less time. That is why, the project of producing a fully autonomous car remained postponed.

No Production by 2025 – Rumor

And, rumors say that Apple will not be able to make it possible by 2025 because there is no proper team, no headquarter regarding only production of Apple Car.

Apple does not have any experience and they are unable to make it possible on time.

Still the year of 2025 does not seem to be the year of successful production of an Apple Car.

Definitely, there is now need of another car like Audi A3 2022 that can be used on the place of Apple car.


This car can be alternative of Apple Car. This car uses the most advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Apple is still not sure about the successful production of an Apple Car by 2025. That is why, Audi A3 is the best car as alternative of Apple Car.

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