IMC Grupo

Distance Education Technologies

Distance learning is one of the opportunities of the 21st century. Everyone has computers, tablets and other gadgets to quickly receive and transmit information. We are really lucky because we even have a paper checker online.

The first thing to do is to pay attention to distance learning systems that are common around the world. IT technologies come to the aid of teachers and students: there are many tools and products designed to support online learning, and they can be connected without leaving home, with only access to the Internet.

Here are the TOP-3 systems that, in our opinion, can be connected in 2 days and not lose contact with students during quarantine.


1. Moodle is a free and open learning management system that can combine communication between teachers and students. Provides many features, including: task execution, file uploads, messaging, evaluation, and event calendar. Also, Moodle integrates modern technologies to check for plagiarism with a plagiarism checker Unicheck.


2.Google Classroom is a free web-based file sharing service. In the service you can download works, edit them, evaluate test or control works. All you need to get started is Google Mail (Gmail). The service can help keep small schools and large educational institutions out of the learning process.


3. Microsoft Teams is a teamroom for Office 365. It’s a simpler version of learning management systems, but it allows a class or study group to communicate and share files. The program combines everything in a common work environment, which includes chat for discussion, file sharing and corporate programs.

A quick way to organize online learning

If it is not possible to quickly implement a learning management system for your group, faculty or university, teachers will always be helped by communication platforms such as Zoom, Hangouts or Skype. This will make it easier to transfer homework and help keep in touch with students during quarantine.

Plagiarism check

Distance learning not only solves the problem of physical presence of a student and a teacher in one lecture hall, but also facilitates access to educational materials, test tasks and provides an opportunity to check tasks online. One of the advantages of distance learning and the use of online resources for it is the integration with plagiarism testing systems. For example, the common Moodle is integrated with the Unicheck plagiarism checker, with which the teacher can immediately check for borrowings or plagiarism in an essay, coursework, essay, or any other student text work.

Online learning is an extremely important method of maintaining the continuity of the educational process during quarantine. No matter how long it lasts, the teacher has the opportunity to keep in touch with students, help them and constantly check their work. Of course, such opportunities should be seen not only as forced measures: the transition of education online should become an equal component of the educational process along with in-service teaching. This is the future for which educational institutions around the world must prepare.