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Easy Ways to Stay Hydrated and Healthy This Summer

When temperatures rise, you’re probably dying to be outside. Soaking up rays and lounging by the pool with a book in hand is blissful. However, if you’re not prepared for the high temps and heat that goes with it, you could get dehydrated quickly. And that’s a spell for disaster when it comes to your health.

That’s why making hydration a priority this summer is key. You’ll be able to enjoy your favorite summertime activities — hello pool! Plus, you’ll feel great while doing it. Here are a few tips for staying hydrated in the heat.

1. Drink Plenty of Water

While it’s hardly groundbreaking, drinking enough water is a tried and true way to stay hydrated. This is especially true during summer when temperatures reach triple digits and sweat drips down your face. But how can you ensure you’re getting enough?

A general rule of thumb is to have half of your body weight in ounces of water each day. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, you require at least 75 ounces of water daily. That number is the bare minimum for hydration and doesn’t factor in everything. For example, if you work out or spend time outdoors sweating, you’ll need more to replenish what you’ve lost.

The easiest way to get enough water is by focusing on how you feel. If you have a dry mouth or feel lightheaded, you likely need more hydration. Also, keep an eye on how dark your urine is. Ideally, it should be pale yellow — too light is a sign of overhydration and too dark is a sign of dehydration.

Eventually, you’ll get in a groove of how much water your body needs to feel its best. Then, it becomes about making drinking water easy. Pick up a water bottle that can keep your water cold for hours and take it everywhere. Or set reminders on your phone to go off every hour to cue hydrating with a few sips. With these steps in place, you’ll be prepared for a happy, healthy summer.

2. Prioritize Water-Rich Foods

You don’t only get hydrated through drinking water, though. The food you eat counts toward hydration levels, too. It’s just about finding the right mix of water-rich foods to incorporate into your everyday diet.

Luckily, summer staples have high water content and are great for reaching hydration goals. Fruits like cucumbers and watermelons are made up of a lot of water and can be the perfect cold snack or salad topper. Speaking of, lettuce is a great source of hydration and can be eaten as a salad or added to a sandwich. If you’re looking for something crunchy, celery is water-dense and a great option to have on hand this summer.

Switch it up with a variety of beverages, too. Smoothies and green juices with the right green drink mix can be a great option on the go. The best part? You can add other hydrating ingredients like coconut milk or celery juice to increase the water content.

With the right combination of foods and drinks, you’ll be well on your way to a hydrated summer. It just may require a bit of trial and error. Who knows, you may even discover a new favorite recipe.

3. Avoid Dehydrating Beverages

Unfortunately, not all drinks are made equal when it comes to hydration. In fact, some are proven to cause more dehydration than you might imagine. As such, staying away from or limiting consumption of these beverages is key during summer.

One dehydrating beverage is alcohol. As great as a poolside cocktail is on a hot summer day, it’s not great for hydration. That’s because alcohol is a diuretic, which means it causes liquids to be removed from your blood. That process, when not offset by water consumption, is dehydrating.

Coffee and soda lovers alike will be disappointed to know that caffeinated beverages can be dehydrating too. Like alcohol, they also have a diuretic effect. Although less impactful to your hydration levels than alcohol, it’s still something to keep in mind.

What does this mean in the grand scheme of things? For one, you don’t have to cut alcohol or caffeine out entirely. You just need to make sure they’re not all that you’re drinking. So, grab a glass of water alongside your favorite tasty beverage and be on your merry way.

4. Monitor the Weather

Rising temperatures become commonplace after a while, especially if it’s typical for your area. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore your weather app altogether. Keeping an eye on the weather is one of your best tools for staying hydrated.

Take a heat wave, for example. It may feel similar to a typical summer day with high, sweat-inducing temps. However, if you’re up against a few days or a week of extraordinarily high temperatures, that’s a different story. You’ll need to plan your days — specifically any outdoor activities — around hydration safety.

Consider carrying a water bottle with time markers when you’re out and about to make hydrating convenient. It includes taking breaks from being outside to cool your body down in A/C. It requires you to pay special attention to what you’re wearing. Opt for breathable, lightweight materials like linen and cotton to allow airflow and reduce your body temp.

Even if you’re not under a heat advisory, these steps are important during summer. You have to strike a balance of enjoying outdoor activities without sacrificing your health. Considering all factors, like weather and hydration, are the best way to ensure you’re as safe as possible.

Feeling Happy, Healthy, and Hydrated

Summer is only a few short months, so you don’t want anything disrupting your fun. Taking hydration seriously by putting these tips to use can ensure that doesn’t happen. That way, you don’t have to miss out on any fun summer activities.