
Enhancing Senior Wellbeing: The Advantages of Speech Therapy

Reports from the medical sector show that an estimated 14 million people in America suffer from some type of communication disorder. These disorders become more prevalent with age, placing seniors at a particularly high risk of developing them. They can have significant impacts on people’s lives as well, including increasing the likelihood of developing anxiety and depression or suffering the consequences of isolation. 

How Speech Therapy Can Help Seniors

Though older adults are more likely to struggle with communication and suffer from medical issues that can further exacerbate speech and language disorders, speech therapy for seniors can help combat those problems. Whether a person is living with the inability to speak properly, struggling to understand others, or dealing with hearing loss, a speech-language pathologist can make a world of difference. Consider the following advantages of speech therapy for older adults. 

Improved Communication

For one, speech therapy can help seniors communicate more clearly. Speech issues can stem from numerous causes, including stroke, Parkinson’s disease, neurodegenerative disorders, and brain injuries to name a few. Nerve damage; vocal cord stiffening or growths; and weakened muscles in the face, mouth, and larynx can lead to communication difficulties as well. They leave people unable to speak clearly, which can make them feel as though they’re trapped inside their own minds. Speech therapy aids them in overcoming those issues so they can once again socialize, tell others what they’re thinking, and voice their needs.

Increased Cognitive Function

Speech therapy can also lead to increased cognitive function because they keep seniors’ minds active and engaged. Exercises performed during therapy sessions can improve memory and recall as well as problem-solving skills. At the same time, word games, crossword puzzles, and other games are often used in speech therapy to help people improve their vocabulary and better process incoming information. Those types of activities are known to also bolster overall brain function and can slow cognitive decline that often comes with age and conditions like dementia

Adapting to Hearing Loss

Furthermore, speech therapy can help seniors adapt to hearing loss. That’s a common cause of communication issues, and most people struggle to learn to live with it. Speech therapists can help people develop communication techniques like lip reading. They can also help those with hearing loss learn to use assistive technology, such as wearables, notification devices, and sensory aids. Speech therapists can help people make the most of hearing aids and cochlear implants as well by assisting with programming and teaching them how to use those devices properly. 

Improved Swallowing

Many seniors suffer from trouble swallowing, known as dysphasia. Speech therapists can help them overcome that condition as well. They may teach different swallowing techniques or recommend changes in posture to alleviate swallowing difficulties. They also use exercises to strengthen weakened muscles that cause dysphasia or improve control over the tongue and facial muscles. Dysphagia can be dangerous because it increases the risks of choking, aspirating foods and beverages, and developing lung infections. Speech therapy can reduce the dangers. 

Improving Seniors’ Quality of Life With Speech Therapy

Speech therapy offers a number of benefits for seniors. It can help them speak more clearly and improve their ability to process what other people are saying. It can also improve cognitive function, address dysphagia and its dangers, and help with hearing loss. With all that being the case, speech therapy can improve seniors’ quality of life from several perspectives.

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