Science / Health

Four Precautions Expecting Parents must take

Pregnancy for many women is like venturing into new and unknown territory with clinging uncertainty throughout the journey.

If you ask pregnant women about their experience, they will describe it as delightful or exciting; however, for some, the experience inundates them with anxiety and weariness.

Putting your body through the ultimate test of strength is nothing short of a fantastic feat; that is why it is crucial to take every precautionary measure to protect the cocoon that shelters the growing new life and simultaneously keeps the protector out of harm’s way.           

If you are a first-time mom or have had multiple children, you shouldn’t skip prenatal care because it impacts the entire course of pregnancy up to childbirth by keeping a lookout for potential health risks.

Prenatal care is of utmost importance; according to an article published in the Guttmacher institute journal that states 40% of women are more likely to experience a neonatal death due to lack of prenatal care than those who receive it.

Though prenatal care is means of ensuring safe pregnancy, it does not reduce the likelihood of health risks such as birth injuries.

It is best described by cases where newborns experience birth injuries due to multiple factors that later manifest into medical conditions like Cerebral Palsy.

Cerebral palsy is irreversible and alters the course of the infant’s and the parent’s lives. That said, caring for a disabled child is a lifelong challenging task unless parents have help along the way, like a Cerebral Palsy Guide or targeted therapy to unload the emotional and financial burden.

The fact remains that even though risks are unavoidable, precautions during pregnancy are necessary. We have already discussed one aspect of ensuring care during pregnancy: prenatal care; let’s look at some more tips to ensure a safe pregnancy.  

1.  Physical Therapy   

A woman’s body undergoes significant physiological changes during pregnancy, one of which reflects in the form of physical strain.

Physical therapy in such conditions plays a crucial role regardless of its association with treating severe injuries.

Physical therapy is beneficial for expectant mothers as it promotes well-being and eradicates discomfort.

Since childbirth is tedious and mostly takes a physical toll on the mother, the importance of physical therapy should not be overlooked.

A pregnant woman’s center of gravity changes as the baby grows in size, which gradually affects the spine, disrupts the balance, and causes discomfort in the lower back. In such circumstances, physical therapy is an effective treatment option to resolve these issues.

Physical therapy improves flexibility and strength, which prevents complications during pregnancy. Additionally, with the proper treatment protocols, physical therapy helps women resume daily activities post-delivery.

Besides mothers, physical therapy is recommended for disabled children. It aims to promote independence in special needs children and enables them to perform day-to-day tasks.

2.  Good sleep

Excessive sleep is one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy. According to experts, it is normal to crave sleep more than usual due to the release of the progesterone hormone.

However, expecting mothers experience difficulty sleeping due to multiple factors like back pain, juggling home responsibilities, and anxiety that keeps the mind racing at night. Hence the lack of sleep results in sleepiness and fatigue.

Sleep plays a huge role during pregnancy as it impacts mood, decision-making, and memory, all of which are crucial when caring for a newborn.

While several reasons exist leading up to sleep deprivation, numerous solutions can also help overcome it.

The fundamental strategy is to create a balance between maintaining specific sleeping positions and good sleep hygiene habits.

For adequate sleep, women should sleep on the left side with their legs curled. This position regulates blood flow to organs like the heart, kidney, and uterus.

Adding a few extra pillows makes the position more comfortable. Expecting mothers must avoid sleeping on their backs as it puts pressure on the vena cava, which interferes with the blood flow.

Along with sleeping position, avoiding caffeine before bedtime, keeping the bedroom quiet, and drinking plenty of water throughout the day contribute to good sleep hygiene habits.

3.  Regular checkup

We mentioned earlier the significance of regular health checkups and how they are fundamental for shaping the mother’s and baby’s lives.

Going for a routine health checkup ensures that you have a healthy pregnancy and a full-term baby. Here we will discuss what goes into a regular health checkup.

The first checkup is lengthy because the doctor asks all the relevant questions about the mother’s health.

The healthcare provider checks the weight and height to determine whether the expecting parent has adequate weight.

Blood tests are conducted to detect certain infections like HIV and hepatitis B. The most common blood infection is anemia which develops due to a lack of red blood cells that delivers oxygen to the whole body.   

Most pregnant develop a severe condition known as preeclampsia due to high blood pressure. One way of detecting preeclampsia is running a urine test showing protein levels in the urine.

Urine tests also help detects bladder infection and other medical conditions like diabetes. Multivitamins are also prescribed to ensure a baby’s healthy growth and development. 

4.  Maintain a healthy diet

Eating healthy has several benefits like it yields sustainable energy, a stronger immune system, and reduces the risk of diseases.

Pregnant women must take care of what they eat because aside from their health, they also have to ensure the baby’s health.  

A nutritious diet reduces potential health risks like anemia, low birth weight, and birth defects. For successful fetal development, women must eat at least 300 more calories daily than normal calorie consumption.

A diet rich in folic acid, vitamin A, fiber, fruits, and an adequate amount of fat and protein is the key to ensuring a healthy baby.

Nausea and flu are prevalent in pregnant women; however, the cure to eliminating these symptoms is a healthy diet and plenty of rest.

Most expecting mothers have cravings rich in high sugar or fat; there is no harm in paying heed to these cravings occasionally.

However, remember, these foods only contribute to health risks, and the key to avoiding that is not going overboard.  


Pregnancy is a wholesome experience that takes women on a whirlwind of emotions, from joy to anxiety.

Ensuring your own health and the baby’s health requires hard work and consistency, which is not a strong suit for most expecting mothers.

Nonetheless, precautions are a must which include engaging in physical activity, adequate sleep, maintaining a nutritious diet, and plenty of rest.

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