Have you ever wanted to hack someone’s cellphone with just their number? It’s true! With this simple trick, you can do so much more than just check someone text messages and call logs. You can also access the internet history on their phone and even modify it as well.
With all the advancements in technology, it is not a surprise that we now have the ability to hack into anyone’s cell phone without having to break into their home or office. Despite the technological advances, there are still some cases where information can be retrieved from a cellphone use without much effort.
Table of Contents
Is it Possible to Hack Someone’s Cellphone with just Their Number?
Now we have discussed the possible reasons why one might need to hack a mobile phone, let’s move on. Is it possible to hack a cell phone using only their number? The answer is a little more convoluted than a straightforward yes or no.
You may be able to hack an Android phone using their mobile number. However, the IMEI number of your carrier and device may also be required.
Here’s a trap; you need to physically access the mark phone unless you have already written it with you. You can also find out the IMEI / MEID number from the target device by dialing the universal code * # 06 #. Hacking an iPhone is different from this. In some cases, hacking an iPhone using just a phone number can be virtually impossible.
How to Hack Someone’s Phone Camera Remotely
As we mentioned, attackers can easily hack your camera remotely using a solution like SpyNote. All it takes is to persuade you to click on a malicious link.
Spyware apps marketed for parental control provide an easy way for cybercriminals to hack your camera. Popular apps like SpyDetections and MobileSpy provide live access to a phone’s camera, allowing hackers to capture videos and photos using the target device. But like most “legitimate” spyware apps, hackers need physical access to your phone to install malware. So, to avoid such an attack, make sure you keep your phone with a fork – don’t hand it over to people you don’t trust.
Can I Track A Cell Phone With Numbers Only?
It is really possible. You must have seen this technique to track a cell phone location by number in the movie. As soon as the phone wakes up and the SIM card goes live, a small red light starts flashing on the map of the police department. The strategy uses only phone numbers and is not associated with the use of GPS or any such technology.
But the question is, do you or a normal civilian have access to such a system that is probably used by government criminals to find out? The answer is not a complete one. If you have a legitimate civilian such as a phone or a person to locate just by telephone number, then it is simply not possible. You can access the name of most people or their registered addresses, but this will not help if your phone is stolen.
But there is another option. It is called cracking. Now, if it’s your own phone, things are always in the law. You can track location by phone number by sending an error. This bug will work for you, and you can easily track its location down.
Track Phone Location Using Numbers
Now, if you have lost your phone and are unable to locate it using GPS. You can use the number to locate it. To do this, you must go via the following actions:
Step 1: Check first if the phone is in switched-on mode. This is necessary for the strategy to work.
Step 2: Send a hacking link containing a bug or worm over by a text message. You can use any SMS application to do this.
Step 3: Click on the link to make your phone user confident enough to text. This will automatically install bugs on your device.
To track your lost phone, you need to do GPS on this bug access phone and switch to it. After that, you can simply proceed with the locating process. But although simple it may seem, it comes with a host of obstacles. In this case:
The bug you sent at first is just another text message. Clicked on until it activates itself.
Second, you have to make some believers. There is a chance that the other individual may not see the message at all.
Third, if the phone is reset and restored to factory settings, there is a high probability that the bug you sent will be removed.
So, you will need a very complex code to make this bug not automatically installed or removable. This also is not imaginable for any ordinary civilian. So, no matter how hard you try, if you’re GPS is off, the process is just a bit complicated to track cell phone location by number. What will you do then? Comment software comes with a perfect solution when it comes down to it.
Top 6 SMS Tracker Software from Spy On Someone’s Cellphone
SMS Spy Software is a type of smartphone monitoring software that helps you track text messages. Depending on your needs, you can purchase this software. You may need to install them and then you can start tracking and checking the text messages immediately.
People use SMS tracker software for many reasons. For example, if you know a mother and your children are constantly communicating with other people through text messages. So it can be a big concern for you to know who they are texting and what they are texting about. As a parent, you need to be careful step by step and you don’t really want your children to exchange messages with the wrong people. This software may need to set up an account on their site and once you are done with all the procedures, you can start monitoring your own control panel messages. Therefore if you are worried that your children or employees are abusing text messages or such privileges then it is time for you to get one of these software to hack text messages from your kids, monitor your employees’ performance, or prevent theft. The best part is that this software will introduce how to monitor text messages that will not be visible on the target phone.
1. Make MSPY
2. Mobile spy
3. SpyBubble
4. Spyera
5. iSpyoo
6. The TruthSpy
How to find a Location with a Mobile Number?
There are several effective ways to find out someone’s location using a cell phone number. You can either install phone number tracker apps on your targeted device. However, let’s discuss them in detail.
1. Use a Native Phone Locator
The easiest way is to use native tracking software to hack someone’s cellphone with just their number. Not only is it accessible and convenient, but some of the tools are also actually free. However, you can use them to track the location of your loved ones.
‘Find My Device’ for Android
Find My Device allows you to track an android device remotely. The Find My Device app is a component of Google Play Protect that helps you find your phone in case of theft. It is only usable for versions above, including Android 4.0.
To use it, go to the Google Play Store and search for ‘Find My Device’.
In the first search results, you will see the app in Find My Device. Tap and install.
Once installed, sign in to Find My Device using the Google Account you want to use the service with.
Give location access to the application.
Finally, you can now track your phone and remove additional features such as locking and remotely deleting your phone’s data.
2. Download Spyera
Spyra is a spy application and a phone number tracker that helps you to hack someone’s cellphone with just their number. It helps you remotely monitor people’s phone activity or protect your kids’ devices from any malicious activity on the web. Similarly, it is compatible with Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows PC, and Mac OS.
How to use Spyera:
- Buy an app license from its official website.
- Install the app on your target phone.
- Open your Spyra web panel and track the location of your target.
- Spyware uses GPS on the target device and sends data to your web panel for access. If the target device does not have GPS, this application utilizes a Wi-Fi connection to get data and send it to the web panel. Spyra is available for both Android and iOS.
3. Use IMEI
- Go to Settings.
- Normal then tap.
- Scroll down to see your IMEI and enter it.
- Or you can see the IMEI number on any phone by dialing * # 06 #.
Each of the methods we have presented to you as a way to find out the location with a mobile number is 100% effective. So when you follow the procedures, make sure that you are doing well.
To cut it short, it is definitely possible to hack someone’s phone with just their phone number. But this isn’t something that can be done by any random person. You are either required to be hacking apps or avail help from professional hackers or hacking experts to do so. The reasons behind this are pretty obvious as well – you need some skills and knowledge about the working of an OS like Android in order to hack.