
HDMI 2.0 vs. HDMI 2.1 Certified Cable: Everything You Must Know

HDMI stands for High-Definition Multimedia Interface, which transfers digital audio and video data from a source device to a compatible display device. HDMI has tremendous merits which benefit people in their daily life. When it was initially launched in 2002, the main goal of HDMI was to improve the existing connectivity standards. Soon its usage started to grow exponentially resulted in instant success. To give you one example to show its popularity, in 2009, all HDTVs had at least one HDMI port. Not to mention in today’s society! HDMI 2.1 certified cables have completely changed the industrial standards with ultra-fast data transmission speed.

HDMI 2.1 cables are the latest innovation of the erstwhile 2.0 standards. HDMI 2.1 version has solved the data transmission issue once and for all. With the help of these cables, users can enjoy high-quality audio and video. The latest cables available in the market help users enjoy the stream in real-time without delay or lag. More than that, the ultra-high-speed HDMI 2.1 cable achieves high bandwidth independence, immersive viewing experience, faster refresh rates, and so on.

However, people may still wonder what the differences are between HDMI 2.0 and HDMI 2.1 certified cables. Before figuring out the divergences between them, let’s see what HDMI 2.0 and HDMI 2.1 certified cables are first.

What are HDMI 2.0 and HDMI 2.1 certified cables?

HDMI 2.0 cables are regarded as a high-definition multimedia digital interface standard, supporting a 4K transmission. With a transmission bandwidth of 18Gbps, it achieves dual-screen, dynamic automatic audio, and picture synchronization.

However, the advanced HDMI 2.1 cable came into the world with superior functions. On the one hand, it supports a range of higher video resolution, which is up to 10K. On the other hand, it supports high dynamic HDR and has increased bandwidth to 48Gbps. All of these exceptional advantages bring heavy benefits to people.

Differences between HDMI 2.0 and HDMI 2.1 Cable

HDMI 2.0 and HDMI 2.1 cables have some similar merits which bring heavy goodness to people. Though HDMI 2.0 and HDMI 2.1 cable have something in common, it is impropriated to neglect their differences. There are massive differences between them. The following are the distinct disparities among these two cables.

1. Bandwidth capacity

One crucial difference between HDMI 2.0 and HDMI 2.1 is bandwidth capacity. As discussed earlier, the HDMI 2.0 cable’s bandwidth capacity is 18 Gbps. It can deliver you 4k resolution at 60 frames per second. Whereas in HDMI 2.1, bandwidth capacity has been greatly improved to 48 Gbps. It can support the same resolution at 120 frames per second, thereby improving the video quality.

2. High dynamic range

Another crucial difference between these two different versions is the high dynamic range (HDR). DHR allows the display to alter, frame by frame, the contrast and brightness of the display. HDR used in HDMI 2.0 is static, which applies metadata once to adjust the display on the screen. Whereas in HDMI 2.1 certified cables, metadata is applied at the exact frame allowing the display to be more prominent.

3. Other features

There are numerous additional features present in HDMI 2.1 certified cables that improve video and image performance. For example, a variable refresh rate allows you to reduce the image lag and enables the 3D graphics to provide a smooth image experience. In contrast, you may feel slowness if choosing HDMI 2.0. 

Due to their high bandwidth, the data transfer rate in HDMI 2.1 cables is extremely high. Such a high speed makes them the priority of users. Similarly, the audio and video quality has been exceptionally increased with the help of these cables, which enhances user experience by a country mile.

Considering all the similarities and differences between both of these cables into account, it is easier to conclude that HDMI 2.1 certified cables are a much better choice compared to 2.0. With on-demand streaming and gaming becoming ubiquitous, the appetite for quality in display and transfer of digital signals continues to grow for global consumers. People now want a better and smoother visual experience. HDMI 2.1 certified cables have greater bandwidth frequency and higher frame rates making your display better looking. 

The best cables recommendation

Considering all features of HDMI 2.1 cables, you must want to figure out who is the capable one you can trust. SmartAVlink is an HDMI cable manufacturer providing high-standard cables to customers. With a maximum of 30 m, their 8k HDMI 2.1 cables can transmit data at a longer range than everybody else in the market. As they are just plug-and-play devices, it is easy for you to operate them. Not only that, the product from SmartAVlink supports various HDR formats, variable refresh rates, quick media switching, display stream compression, and many other functionalities. These superior outstandings make them stand out from the crowd.

Providing the optical electric conversion technology since 2013, SmartAVlink is giving unique solutions of HDMI, USB cables, and DVI active optical cables. They have vibrant R&D systems enacted that help them in improving their technology with every passing day. With unmatchable customer service, they are setting new standards in the industry by extending the helping hand towards the users of the optical-electric technology.

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