Science / Health

Healthy Food to Have with You While Traveling for Business

Trying new foods is one of the most exciting aspects of travel. Unfortunately, eating can also be the most stressful part of a trip.

Airports rarely offer healthy food. If you’re traveling for business or often in a hurry, fast food might be your only option.

There is no reason for traveling to be unhealthy. It just takes a bit of planning. Here are some foods you should have handy on your next business trip.

1. Fruits and Vegetables

An apple a day does keep the doctor away. Sadly, fruits and veggies are often the most difficult thing to find while traveling.

Pack a bag with your favorite fruits. If you’re flying or traveling for an extended period of time, this could be impractical.

When it’s not possible to pack fruit, swing by a local grocery store once you arrive. Keep in mind that you might not be able to cut up carrots or celery, so look for baby carrots or bite-sized portions.

If you’re traveling by car or train, slice up some carrots or cucumbers and put them in a tupperware container. So long as you put them in the fridge at your hotel, they should keep.

Dried fruits or vegetable chips are a good option for longer journeys or plane flights. They are less likely to go bad.

2. Nuts

Nuts are a good salty alternative to chips. They are small, lightweight, and easy to pack.

Most grocery stores sell travel-size packages of peanuts, but they can get pricey. Buy nuts in bulk and pour them into smaller bags.

Ziplock bags are great for travel, but they aren’t environmentally friendly. Check out this list of reusable snack bags from The Spruce Eats.

Nuts can spill easily, so you want something that seals well. If you want to get really serious about making your own snack packs, make your own trail mix.

A great travel trail mix includes a mixture of nuts and dried fruits like cranberries or raisins.

Nuts are a great source of protein, which you’ll need.

3. Cured Meats

Meat is another excellent source of protein. Taking raw or even cooked meat on a trip is impractical.

Deli meats are a classic option for sandwiches, but bologna and deli ham aren’t necessarily healthy.

Plain beef jerky or similar types of meats are a better option. Avoid jerkeys with extra flavors. They have added salt and sugar.

Beef jerky is extremely filling, so it’s great to have around in case your flight gets delayed and there’s no restaurant nearby.

4. Tea and Coffee

Tea and coffee aren’t technically foods, but beverages are just as important as food. Tea bags are super lightweight and stay good for a long time.

If you have a favorite brand or can’t do without a chamomile tea before bed, keep tea bags in your travel bag.

Instant coffee is good when there’s nothing else, but if you’re picky, invest in an aeropress or a coffee maker that travels well.

Keep in mind that you won’t necessarily have access to a coffee grinder, so it’s better to take ground coffee.

If you travel frequently for business, it’s best to communicate your preferences with the organization in charge of your booking. Companies like Hotel Engine ensure that your hotel has everything you need.

That way you don’t need to worry about whether or not your room has a kettle.

5. Organic Snacks

Travel is one of the most tempting times to cheat on a diet. Candy and chips are cheap, easy to find, and familiar.

Every once in a while this is okay, but not if you’re serious about staying healthy. Avoid the temptation by having organic snacks ready.

Most grocery stores, especially specialty ones, carry organic chips and sweets. You probably shouldn’t be eating them every day, but you deserve to relax on your trip.

Instead of traditional potato chips, try veggie chips or sweet potato chips. They might sound strange, but they’re delicious.


Travel is tough on your body, so it’s important to stay healthy while you’re on the go. It will take some trial and error of figuring out what works best. Having these snacks handy will help you get started.

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