As its name suggests, the growth hormone is the key element for the growth of human beings. But its role in the body does not stop there. Here are some tips on how to naturally stimulate the growth hormone.
Growth hormone: what is it?
In humans, the growth hormone (HGH) has several names: somatropin, somatotropin. It is a polypeptide hormone that the somatotropic cells secrete from the anterior part of the pituitary gland. The aim of this hormone is to stimulate the growth and reproduction of cells in vertebrates, including humans.
In humans, this polypeptide contains 191 amino acids. The growth hormone is chemically related to the lactogenic hormone placenta and prolactin. Finally, it should be known that several pathologies are directly linked to this hormone, such as acromegaly, gigantism and dwarfism. They occur when there is an excess or deficit in the secretion of this hormone. Other diseases are here linked to the problem of hormone production.
Why naturally stimulate the growth hormone?
It is also important to know that growth hormone has several effects on the metabolism. It acts on the metabolism of proteins and allows protein anabolism. It also acts on the metabolism of carbohydrates and helps to increase blood sugar levels. It also acts on the lipids metabolism and contributes to the mobilization of lipid reserves. Finally, for athletes, the growth hormone and its effects are interesting in fat loss periods and in the context of muscle mass gain. It is for this reason that many people seek to stimulate its production.
Human growth hormone
As stated by Clicksure some people may need growth hormone treatment as would be the case for a child not growing taller to a normal height for his age group. In this case, medical advice is essential and this advice is not a substitute for proper treatment. On the other hand, they may be suitable for athletes who wish to naturally influence their muscle mass gains. As you will see, advice on how to naturally stimulate growth hormone is essentially based on common sense and a healthy lifestyle. Anyone can put them into practice.
How to naturally stimulate the growth hormone?
Here are some tips and tricks for acting naturally and healthily on growth hormone production. Sports, sleep, HGH supplementation, diet, etc.
A restorative and sufficient sleep
A good night’s sleep is essential to increase growth hormone production. It is during sleep that the hormone acts most effectively. To ensure that the body secretes sufficient growth hormone, it is first necessary to sleep well during the night. Choose a quiet, sleepy environment free of noise and light. Avoid screens for at least one hour before going to bed, and favor relaxing activities such as reading, meditation, etc.
Peak growth hormone production occurs during the night in deep sleep. This usually occurs one to two hours after falling asleep. If sleep is interrupted or delayed, the release of the growth hormone will also be interrupted and delayed. As a result, it is not optimal.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 plays several roles in the proper functioning of the body. It can also help the body maintain zinc and magnesium levels, which are affected during fatigue or strenuous exercise. Used long term, it increases the release of growth hormones, especially during intense exercise. It is found in meat, fish and shellfish, oilseeds (almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios…) and seeds such as flaxseed or sesame. Vitamin B6 is also found in bananas, prunes and shiitake mushrooms.
Naturally stimulate the growth hormone.
Proteins and amino acids
As mentioned at the beginning of this article, growth hormone and its activity are influenced by nearly two hundred amino acids. These appear to be effective in stimulating growth hormone. These amino acids are glutamine, arginine, lysine, ornithine, and BCAAs. Therefore, it may be interesting to take protein powders and supplements as part of your lifestyle, but only as part of an athletic activity. In fact, it does not make sense to consume these products if you do not practice sports or have only recently started. For sedentary people and beginners, a high-protein diet (animal and/or plant-based) is more than sufficient to meet the body’s protein and amino acid needs. Just be sure to vary your intake as much as possible to take advantage of all available amino acids.
According to Perimeterinstitute.com HGH supplements such as Somatropinne, Growth factor Plus, Sytropin and Genf20 Plus are all HGH releasers that with the help of amino acids such as arginine and L-glycine can stimulate the pituitary gland into producing more HGH naturally. Some of these HGH supplements are geared towards anti-aging and bodybuilding while others such as Growth factor Plus are geared towards helping people grow taller. Keep in mind though that only Genf20 Plus is backed by a double blind clinical study.
Magnesium and zinc
To stimulate the production of growth hormone, it is interesting to fill up with zinc and magnesium. The latter promotes muscle relaxation and restful sleep. As for restful sleep, it is known that it can increase the production of growth hormone. On the other hand, zinc increases the production of enzymes that produce this hormone. They go hand in hand and are associated with vitamin B6 in this regard. In fact, as explained, vitamin B6 helps maintain optimal levels of zinc and magnesium in the body.
For athletes, this is critical. In fact, physical exertion reduces our reserves of zinc and magnesium. As a chain effect, this adversely affects the production of growth hormones. Therefore, it is important to keep these minerals in the body in sufficient quantities. Vitamin B6 helps to maintain them, but the diet should also ensure an adequate supply.
Vegetables and nuts
Vegetables and oily nuts are sources of essential nutrients because they contain minerals that are important for the proper production of the sleep hormone. These include zinc and magnesium, as well as vitamin B6. Increasing the consumption of vegetables and oleaginous fruits is a good way to balance the need for supplementation. Of course, if this does not seem sufficient, supplementation can be considered. However, a doctor’s opinion should not be overlooked here. Talk to your doctor to avoid taking too many or too few nutrients each day.
Complex carbohydrate foods
Simple carbohydrates, like refined sugar or bulk, have the effect of blocking growth hormone production instead of stimulating it. On the other hand, low glycemic carbohydrates and carbohydrates enhance growth hormone secretion due to the amino acids they contain. It is known that too much sugar and the wrong fats in the diet can block the production and release of this hormone.
Therefore, low glycemic carbohydrate sources should be preferred in the diet. These can include oatmeal, sweet potato flour (or yam), or buckwheat flour. Ideally, refined sugar and fast sugars should be banned from the diet.
Testosterone supplements and boosters
In addition, some athletes use natural testosterone enhancers or certain super foods known for their anabolic properties. In fact, they are involved in and stimulate the production of growth hormone. To naturally stimulate growth hormone, testosterone levels can also be controlled. To this end, certain enhancers can naturally act on the production of testosterone, as in the case of Tribulus, for example, or fenugreek, a natural hormone enhancer. Testosterone is another hormone that increases the pulse-volatile secretion of growth hormone, but it also stimulates growth hormone receptors. Make Tribulus an ally of your hormone stimulation: it is a plant and a natural solution in this context!
Exercise to stimulate the growth hormone
During physical activity our body produces lactate and nitric oxide. These secretions are likely to increase the production of growth hormone. It appears that a high intensity of exercise (of the type HIIT) has a greater effect on the production of growth hormones. Endurance exercises (such as long-distance running) appear to be less effective than interval or strength training. Incorporating physical activity into your lifestyle is a good way to increase hormone production. But don’t exaggerate, because it can be counterproductive. In addition, mineral reserves should always be replenished after physical exertion through nutrition or supplements.
Stimulating the growth hormone with cold showers
Take cold showers
To stimulate the growth hormone, nothing beats a cold shower. Although hot showers have many advantages (lower heart rate, lower cortisol content…), cold showers are also beneficial for your health. Running cold water over the body makes the body react and experiences it as an aggression that strengthens our immune system. The cold shower also stimulates the production of antioxidant enzymes, which promotes the elimination of waste products. The benefits in terms of metabolism, skin and depression can also be emphasized.
The cold shower increases the secretion of growth hormone, thus increasing the body’s hormonal secretion in general. It also increases testosterone production. Indeed, contact with cold brings the body into a state of alertness, which stimulates its metabolism and its various secretions to compensate for what it experiences as aggression. It is one of the most natural and simplest solutions to put into practice on a daily basis. Finish your shower with a cold note. You can gradually lower the temperature of your shower to reach the coldest possible temperature.
Naturally increase your growth hormone: the essentials
Increasing the body production of HGH in a natural way is very much possible. This requires a healthy lifestyle, based on quality sleep, regular exercise, HGH supplements and a better diet. There are also Tribulus-based dietary supplements, protein powders and vitamin complexes that contain minerals (magnesium, zinc) and vitamin B6. These products, when used correctly, can help naturally increase the production of growth hormone.