Past few months have been hell for many retailing companies like Under Armour, Burberry and more. Because of this pandemic many shops are closing down and going out of business.
But shops going out of business is a good thing for the business of goods liquidators. They’re getting more and more to liquidate and hence earning more profits.
But with several business still running online, liquidation industry isearning profits if you return your purchased goods as well, how?
What happens to your returned goods? Let’s find out.
The main reasons for customers to return their goods are –
- They don’t like the product delivered.
- They changed their mind about their purchase.
- The product delivered is damaged or defective.
When consumers do return their goods, there are few things that can happen with these returned goods.
1. Goes back on shelf.
You may think since you returned it just like it was, it should go back on the shelf to sell. Which is correct.
When the product is unused, in a good condition, it will end back on the shelf but only in cases if the original packaging and the manufacturing tags aren’t removed by the customer.
2. Gets returned to the manufacturer.
If the product of damaged or defective, the companies send them back to their manufacturer, because such products have no use for the consumer nor the company selling them.
If the product is repairable, the manufacturer may try to repair it and then resale it at a discounted price.
3. Goes for resale as “refurbished.”
As we saw, some products are defective, and they get sent back to their manufacturer. But if the defect is very small and it can be fixed, the companies tell the manufacturer to refurbish those products and send them back.
This way, those products with minor defects go for resale, after being fixed, as “refurbished.”
4. Products are liquidated.
At the end, when the products are out of date and some companies don’t want them to occupy their expensive retails space. So to get rid of them, they liquidate their products to retail liquidators.This can mostly be with products related to fashion as its trends change constantly. One such wholesale liquidation firm is Quicklotz.com
These liquidators get these products in bulk at a highly discounted price to resell in the market hence making good profits.
But if you too want to get good quality merchandise and apparel for low prices then buying department store returns is the right thing to do.
Why buy department store returns?
Department store returns are an easy way to get your hands on in season merchandise at a very low price, compared to the original market price. As department stores want to clear their 4-5 months old stock to make way of new trends, you get a chance to get an inventory which is in your budget.
And, department store returns can give you a very good chance to develop an inventory of different brands in one single purchase. As established and popular brands are heavily priced in retail markets, these products are often slow moving. This gives you an opportunity to purchase many high-end brands at a very reasonable rate.
Also since the only reason department stores sell their stock at a lower price is because they want to make way for new trends, you get an unmatched quality of goods at a lower price without any compromises.
This was basically where the goods go when you decide to return them.
As you see, liquidators are making a good profit right now as almost every business is working online and everybody is shopping online.
And as liquidators are getting goods for discounted price, obviously you will too if you buy these departmental stores returns.