
How Are Real-Time PCR Systems Used in the Diagnostics of STDs?

Early detection of sexually transmitted diseases can play an important part in helping to improve the outcome of treatment strategies. A Real-Time PCR system can significantly speed up the diagnosis of these diseases while also helping to improve monitoring once treatment is initiated. Let’s look at how these systems can enable clinical settings that often help patients with Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). 

The Role of Real-Time PCR Systems in the Detection of STDs

Sexually Transmitted Diseases can be unpleasant and sometimes even result in life-threatening complications. This has created a need to detect these conditions early on, where a real-time PCR system comes into the picture. 

This process helps detect STDs but can also be used as a surveillance solution. The system also ensures that healthcare providers regularly monitor the progress of the disease once a patient has been diagnosed with monkeypox, gonorrhea, or other STDs. 

These devices use a fluorescent dye and a special light to detect the presence of specific DNA strands in a sample obtained from the patient. 

5 Key Benefits of Real-Time PCR System Machine

The use of a Real-Time PCR system can provide numerous potential benefits to various medical settings. This includes on-site testing scenarios as well as medical facilities. Here are some of the primary benefits that this type of medical device can provide:

  • Sensitivity: Using a fluorescent dye helps significantly enhance the overall sensitivity you get when you use the system. This can prevent false positives while also providing more details about the severity of the infection.
  • Quantification: Population samples can be tested using a real-time PCR system, which helps healthcare workers and laboratory technicians determine the percentage of infected individuals with viruses, bacteria, or other disease-causing pathogens in the samples used in the testing process.
  • Efficiency: By providing analysis in real-time, the efficiency of the testing solution also improves. Patients no longer have to wait multiple days to get their results. It also saves the facility time and money in the process.
  • Multiplexing Capability: Depending on the device and the procedures used, it’s also possible to sometimes test for different STDs simultaneously. This may be a good option in cases where the provider is unsure about the specific STD causing the patient’s symptoms.  
  • Automation and High Throughput: The process of detecting the presence of STDs can be effectively automated with the use of these devices. This can positively impact the overall throughput and ensure more tests can be performed within a specified period. 

Real-Time PCR Solutions From Tianlong

Tianlong offers sophisticated, high-performance real-time PCR solutions for different clinical settings. We will take a closer look at two of the most popular options from Tianlong.

●       Gentier Mini+ 4 Channels Portable Real-Time PCR System

The Gentier Mini+ is one of the best choices for facilities and settings where space is limited. The system is excellent for smaller areas, such as laboratories, and can even be used for on-site testing. 

Apart from its portability, this system also provides a wide range of convenient functions, including a touch display at the front. Loading samples into the system is easy, and the program can be customized with just a few taps on the screen. The device can scan 16 fluorescence wells in just one second.  

●       Gentier 96E Real-Time PCR System

The Gentier 96E is a great choice when you need an option that can provide testing for larger volumes of samples. The system has a built-in temperature control function and a power failure protection feature for added reliability. It provides a variety of data analysis functions, including absolute quantitative analysis, relative quantitative analysis, SNP analysis, and melting curve analysis.

Most importantly, Gentier 96E Real-time PCR System takes only 7 seconds to complete the fluorescence scanning of all 96 wells, which significantly reduces the testing time and improves the efficiency of the test and inspection process.


Tianlong has been working on innovations within the medical industry that drives faster diagnostics and more accurate genetic testing since 1997. The company has 120 international certifications and provides a diverse range of testing equipment. Contact one of their experts to find out how Tianlong can help equip your facility with a real-time PCR system.


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