Science / Health

How BurstIQ’s Research Foundry Is Ushering The Future Of Health Care

Crises such as the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic currently affecting the world are no doubt defining moments in our lives. They unite communities that may seldom come together usually, and there are no racial, economic, or political divides in these global fights.

Why things need to chain in health care

When it comes to a widescale public health crisis like COVID-19, health care is very much at the forefront of everyone’s minds. People and organizations from all walks of life are scrambling to find and organize things like vaccines for everyone.

The trouble is, organizing health care solutions for such a scale of people is quite challenging. And the one thing that’s quite concerning is many health care solution providers are relying on outdated and inefficient processes to help people in the “front line.”

BurstIQ is a blockchain-based data solutions provider that is tackling head-on the challenges posed by the current way of doing things. With the help of our coalition partners, we are ushering the future of health care today.

I asked tech/health expert Frank Ricotta, BurstIQ’s CEO to share with how his company’s blockchain network plans to support the global health community advance their solutions faster through the collaborations of shared data sets.

?COVID-19 has created an acute sense of urgency, speeding up demand for researchers, organizations, public health officials, and innovators to cooperate in real-time. In also exposed an underlying reality, we now live in a world of data abundance, not scarcity, but we have very little trust and faith in the data itself or each other.  It is why we launched Research Foundry and why we have received overwhelming support from the market. Research Foundry is more than a data repository, it is a model for the kind of collaboration efforts we need now and in the future. Collaboration that expands human knowledge, collaboration that extends our understanding of factors that impact health, collaborations that incentivize and reward innovators, and collaboration that helps individuals live a healthier life without compromising their privacy,” said, Ricotta.

How BurstIQ is leading a health care revolution

Together with its coalition partners, BurstIQ has launched Research Foundry, a global alliance of health care professionals and public agencies, medical researchers, entrepreneurs, and enterprises.

Research Foundry comprises like-minded individuals and organizations with one goal in mind: working together to solve the world’s health challenges. Research Foundry is helping by providing unified access to relevant independent and aggregated datasets.

One of the significant challenges faced by public sector agencies and health care companies is how collaborations sometimes encounter roadblocks. When it comes to combatting massive public health crises such as COVID-19, time is of the essence.

Thanks to Research Foundry, health care professionals, organizations, and companies globally can now directly share their data with others, and without losing any control over it. What’s more, they can collaborate to form groups solving specific problems like (COVID-19).

100+ datasets and counting

The Research Foundry platform presently has over one hundred datasets of valid data, thanks to BurstIQ and its coalition partners. Each dataset comes from a variety of sources, such as public health associations, Fortune 100 firms, and rising health-technology startups.

All data is securely held, and its creators retain complete control over it. The result of that approach is all stakeholders can work together to accelerate discoveries and curate solutions to tackle global health crises.

How Research Foundry’s coalition partners get involved

Research Foundry welcomes interested BurstIQ coalition partners to join its free platform and help usher in the future of health care in a variety of ways:

Dataset Contributions

The Research Foundry is ideal for individuals, private companies, and public sector health care groups that want to contribute their data to the research community.

Research Collaboration

Utilizing the private datasets shared securely within the framework, Research Foundry users can analyze and explore that data to gain deep insights.

Create Solutions

Last but not least, Research Foundry’s coalition partners can innovate and share ideas, leading to real solutions that will make a difference in the world.

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