An Overview
Millions of people worldwide are battling mental illnesses which involve emotional and psychological wellbeing. The conditions result from various factors ranging from life experiences such as abuse and trauma, genetics, family history, or health problems. These disorders can cause a behavior change, thinking, and emotions; therefore affect the way an individual functions in work, social, or family activities. All mental illnesses are treatable, and they range from mild to severe that require special care in the hospital.
Technology advancement led to innovation of a new way of attending to patients with mental health without physical contact. Telepsychiatry provides mental care services via the phone or video conferencing tools such as the phone, computer, or tablet. A telepsychiatry provider evaluates the problem, diagnoses, offers therapy, and prescribes the appropriate medication.
What Led To The Introduction Of Telepsychiatry?
There is a need for care for mental illness patients referred to psychiatrists or specialists using the telehealth method. The patient or clinic makes an appointment that must adhere to the stated clinical guidelines. In-person mental health services are not easy to access by most patients due to the following factors;
Scarce mental health resources – There are inadequate health facilities allocated for attending to patients with mental illnesses; therefore, there is ineffective professional mental health care.
Financial hardships – The fee charges for psychiatry care become a challenge to most patients from low-income groups who cannot afford to raise sufficient funds to seek the services.
Increased social stigma – A higher percentage of people with mental illnesses feel inferior and develop low self–esteem and isolation. In most cases, the victims are regarded as lunatics and receive limited care from families and friends. These patients develop a fear of being judged by others; therefore, they are reluctant to seek help from the available local mental facilities.
Geographical locations – Minorities, elderly individuals, uninsured persons, and residents from the rural areas are unlikely to receive adequate mental health care or no treatment; for their illnesses due to low access to these facilities.
The Effectiveness Of Telepsychiatry
Telepsychiatry services are only convenient if the patient has access to a webcam, computer, and a strong network connection. The provision of proper training on software use is a requirement for the method to become effective. Below are the benefits of seeking telehealth;
Telemedicine is a cost-effective and efficient service for increasing the accessibility of the client to the providers. The clients` outcome is evident in the effectiveness of telepsychiatry accuracy of diagnosis, quality care, and treatment while upholding privacy and confidentiality. The services are available at an affordable price providing access to individuals with low income.
Provision of Quality care – Clients under telepsychiatry care report getting ultimate satisfaction levels compared to the usual care given in face-to-face clinics. An individual feels free while opening up at their convenience without any limitations.
Accessibility and Convenience – It is easier to access treatment services online at any given location via your phone, tablet, or computer. It cuts on the transport cost as funds set aside for traveling are used for other significant projects. Besides, an individual becomes more productive at work since it reduces the time taken off. Telepsychiatry is now available to individuals located in rural areas with limited access to mental health care facilities.
Reduced stigmatization – Most patients are free to open up to mental health professionals in telehealth without worrying. The use of the internet upholds confidentiality because many telepsychiatry service providers are HIPAA compliant and secure.
Patients always stay on track – Treatment of mental illnesses requires a consistent appointment schedule. Unlike physical visits to mental facilities, it is hard for a patient to skip telepsychiatry appointments. The services are readily available online with access to a strong internet connection; hence transport expenses are reduced.