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How to Increase Data Centers Efficiency

A DC (an abbreviation for the ‘data center’) is a specialized facility in which enterprises place server and network equipment to provide Internet consumers with stable connection of their end users to the Web.

Why do you need the DC?

The functions of such server rooms are to ensure the stable and trouble-free operation of the hardware located in them. In addition, any data center provides secure communication channels through which data is exchanged.

Most often, such premises serve corporate clients. They rent racks with servers to hosting providers, and they, in turn, rent them to their customers in the form of virtual hosting or VPS for datum storage. However, such rooms can also serve private clients. They can rent an entire physical server (which is called a Dedicated server) or a rack space for a client server.

Why is it Needed to Ensure Optimal DC Efficiency?

Each data center is maintained by a group of system administrators who monitor proper operating conditions and watch for smooth and uninterruptible system running. Space organization is one of the main tasks for them since ergonomic server allocation greatly influences the level of system performance.

In modern server premises, each detail matters. The way server cabinets are placed and the air circulation is organized has a significant impact on how well the system copes with set computing tasks.

Tips to Make your DC More Efficient

To pump data center efficiency and take full advantage of it, keep in mind the following pieces of advice:

1. Optimize Apparatus

Note that to organize and accommodate telecommunication hardware, special racks and cabinets are used. If you need some products, you can find a wide variety of standard models on the website

What problems you may face here? An improperly selected cabinet will make users place devices too deep into the rack. This will cause inconvenience during maintenance. The second case is noise. Network devices tend to produce a lot of noise over the operation. Thus, it is necessary to separate them from the staff or use soundproof cabinets.

Choosing the right model of server cabinet will help avoid lots of nasty problems. Before buying the rack, make a list of devices to be accommodated inside and measure all parts. If possible, create a layout to visualize the way hardware will be placed. This will help to pick the best possible solution for your premises and needs. Do not forget the rule that equipment is placed loosely to leave enough free space for future projects and air circulation.

2. Install Energy Usage Monitoring Apparatus

When being in operation, computing hardware consumes a lot of energy. For this reason, energy monitoring is of great importance for ensuring the required power and equipment uptime. System managers have a set of tools to monitor the electrical load on working parts and deal with data center energy saving. Such verification using special tools (energy loggers) allows avoiding inaccuracies in the calculation of the electricity consumed by each device and issuing correct bills.

3. Optimize air Temperatures and Humidity Conditions

Environment monitoring systems are one of the crucial tools for the proper functioning of network devices. You probably know that optimal temperature and humidity must be maintained inside data centers. Any deviation from the norm of these indicators will negatively impact operating devices causing their failure or malfunctioning. Hardware can overheat or perspire. Here’s why they should leave enough space for free air circulation to cool devices inside server cabinets.

4. Optimize Computer room Air Conditioning

Large DCs require the proper organization of ventilation systems. Fans and other tools for forced air circulation are used to supply server premises with the required stream of fresh air. Here, such an issue as the duration of system working is crucial. Make sure that optimal conditions are set, and the system regulates its working time automatically maintaining the required environment inside an office or other premise.

5. Create a Hot-Aisle/Cold Aisle Layout

The airflows generated in the room are of decisive importance in establishing different fields of air mass concentrations. These streams arise as a result of the interaction with each other, as well as the objects and surfaces they meet on the way.

Streams can be of various origins:

System administrators should properly place cabinets taking into account the air circulation map. This allows ensuring the sufficient creation of the aisles of hot and cold air.

6. Improve Underfloor Air Pressure Management

Underfloor air distribution systems in high-ceilinged rooms feature vertical air stratification. Warm, stale, and polluted air is sucked out through the extract/return air grilles at the top. Typically, when using underfloor air distribution systems, the thermal streams coming from the equipment play a secondary role in the system. The air movement in the working area is mainly formed by high-velocity floor diffusers.

7. Control Data Center Cooling

To make DCs effective, systems managers use data center cooling technologies that allow reducing the amount of consumed energy and guarantee the required hardware cooling. To deal with this point, it is recommended to install economizers or optimize air conditioning systems.

Making your server premises cost-effective is not an easy task. The staff involved in server room arrangement must foresee many issues and check all servicing systems for effectiveness. To implement the set tasks and ensure optimal data center power efficiency, data center administrators use modern innovative technologies and tools. They are aimed at controlling system indicators and maintaining critical values.