Science / Health

How To Set Realistic Personal Training Fitness Goals?


You know how it goes, right?

We always begin the new year with an encouraging aspiration to get healthy, fit, and become the best version of ourselves. However, when the goal is set considering a long-term solution – it usually falls flat on its face. 


When I started working out for the very first time, I had a BMI of 35.6. So, as you can see, I was quite obese and my aim was to cut down my weight as much as possible.

Now, that’s a long-term plan.

I started quite enthusiastically too. I was going to the gym 5 days a week, stopped eating lots of unhealthy stuff, and followed the regime provided by my trainer vigorously. 

But, even after doing all these, I lost only two pounds of weight – whereas my expectation was to melt off at least ten. And that’s where the problem lied.

I set out to achieve an unrealistic fitness goal. So, once I failed, I took my time and tried to create several smaller plans while keeping the ultimate goal intact.

And that worked out perfectly.

So, here, I will share how I brought myself up from the pit of disappointment and created the most realistic personal training regime. I’m sure it’d help you out in the long run.

How Do You Set a Physical Activity Goal?

When it comes to achieving your long-term fitness, being consistent and persistent is going to be key for you. And, there is a tried-and-true approach that can help you with it.

It’s known as the SMART method. Here’s what it really means – 

  • S (Specific): The goal that you are trying to achieve should be clear and defined. For example, ‘exercising four times a week’ sounds more specific than ‘staying active.’
  • M (Measurable): It’s important to track your progress, each and every day. It could be related to the distance you’ve run or the number of calories you’ve burnt.
  • A (Attainable): The goal you have set must be reached feasibly with the determined time-frame. For instance, you may try to lose 12 pounds of weight in three months.
  • R (Relevant): There should always be a ‘why’ that’s keeping you motivated to reach your goal. Maybe you want to have abs, get stronger, or manage a health condition.
  • T (Timely): The goal has a specific deadline. It will depend on the extent of the aim you are trying to achieve. Make sure that it’s realistic, relevant, and achievable.

I will also recommend adding an E (for Emotion) in the mix. In other words, how will you feel once you achieve your goal? Will it make you confident? 

Would you feel more empowered or motivated? 

Imbuing your fitness goal with a tinge of emotion will work as a prominent driving factor to stay motivated and energized till the very end.

5 Realistic Fitness Goals to Follow Vigorously

Remember, getting a better physique is about being consistent and efficient. 

Putting too much weight on yourself might backfire. So, here are some tips that I usually ask most people to follow so that they don’t feel too overwhelmed at the beginning.

Tip – 1: Work Out 12 Times a Month

We have four weeks in a month, right? So, all I’m suggesting to you is to exercise three days in a week, that’s all. You can start from Monday, skip on Tuesday, then again go to the gym on Wednesday, and continue the same pattern accordingly.

This way, you can give out your all during the day of exercising and get adequate rest on the very next day. It’ll also help you become more consistent by reducing your exhaustion level.

Tip – 2: Run Continuously for a Month

Going to the gym and brandishing how much weight you can lift is surely a noteworthy feat. But if you’re trying to lose weight, adding a tinge of cardio in your regime can be immense.

You don’t have to do too much, though. Just running one mile everyday for at least a month will be sufficient enough. You may start with an even shorter distance at first, like ¼ mile or so. Once you feel healthy and confident, you can begin increasing the distance.

Tip – 3: Try Something New Every Week

Doing the same thing again and again everyday might get boring and unmotivating after one month or so. Thus, I would suggest you try something new every week. 

For example, if you did a little bit of yoga this week, you may try kickboxing or rebounding (trampolining) in the next one. Or you can also try Chris Protein Personal Training plan. The trainer will check your vitals and create a specific plan for you accordingly.

Tip – 4: Include Numbers in Your Work Out Regime

As I have mentioned before, measurement will always be an important part of your route to achieve your fitness goal. So, adding a number into whatever you do can be useful here.

For instance, if you have instilled a habit of walking, you can set a target to reach an average of 10,000 steps/month. Or, aiming to do ten push-ups daily also sounds pretty good to me.

Tip – 5: Rest for 10 Days a Month

Once you’ve determined a proper fitness plan, you may find yourself pushing too hard to get to your goal. However, bear in mind – rest days are extremely important for an active person, as it helps your muscles get healed properly.

As a rule of thumb, you can go for a complete 10-day rest a month as it’s the safest bet when you are just starting out. Once you get fitter, you may reduce the duration to eight days.

No Matter What, Don’t be Harsh on Yourself!

Even if you’re exercising rigorously, there’s no guarantee that you’ll see the expected result within a month or so. And I know how demotivated you might feel at that moment.

But, no matter what happens, be kind to yourself. 

You will get what you want eventually. So, be patient and keep doing what you do the best. Oh, and don’t forget to keep reminding yourself why you chose to walk this road. 

It will all work out in the end!

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