Do you wnat to know the best apps to spy on a cell phone without physical access? If yes, click here Hitherto, vocabularies like hacking and spying were connected to only tech-savvy people. But times have changed, today, anybody can hack into your account, be it Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat, etc. Several reasons abound why people now spy on others.
The world has indeed metamorphosed from a traditional society to a technology-driven one where most of the issues and challenges faced can be only resolved through logical deductions. Without the advent of social media platforms we have today, life was so remote and easily controlled. But nowadays, you may be living with someone, yet not have a clue about what they do. They are always with their phones probably chatting with people that you don’t know, and the content of what they talked about is also unknown to you.
Thus, when there are suspicions about what they are doing, you will need to find out, but how? How can you be able to find out without you giving the person a sign that you are so inquisitive about their acts? You may want to spy on them remotely without raising a doubt. Although it may seem impossible to do this without touching their phones, technology will let you get what you need without creating animosity between you and the person.
What do you do then? Get a spy app that can spy remotely without installing a software update on the target phone.
Table of Contents
Can You Spy On a Phone without Access To It?
Yes. You can spy on a target phone even though you do not have access to it. All you need to get started is to get your hands on powerful spy software like Cocospy to begin.
How can I spy on an iPhone without installing software on the target phone?

iPhones are considered as the best phones ever produced. The beauty of the phone is not limited to its good camera, portability, and fast internet access but also extends to security. Before it was thought that it was impossible to hack someone’s iPhone or spy on it without jail-breaking it. No. Jail-breaking will cause the phone to crash down and it may prove hard for you to do it as you may not have the luxury of time.
The solution is simple, iPhones can be hacked without touching them or installing software on them. You just need to subscribe to a spy app that can do the magic for you. Take note, there are apps best designed for each purpose like cheating, family, etc. These apps don’t necessarily need you to install them on the target phone before spying. You just need a few things to get started.
All iOS run on a central iCloud facility that demands one to learn the iCloud credentials of an iPhone before being able to access it. Once you know the iCloud credentials of the phone, all you need is to buy an app; sign up, select a plan, preferably premium, and then choose the type of device you want to spy, and then input the iCloud credentials of the target phone. Once that is done, you can start spying remotely on the person’s phone.
These guidelines provided above are just a rough overview as each spy app has its guidelines that must be followed. Interestingly, they are made simple and easy for anybody to be able to access without necessarily being a tech whiz. Just read through the article and you shall get to know apps that would help you if you want to spy on someone without them knowing.
How to install spy software on cell phone remotely
If the target device you are aiming to spy on is an iPhone, you need not bother on installing any spy software on it. All you will need are the Apple ID and password to gain access. But any other OS like Android will require you to physically handle the target phone for a one-time installation.
If your target is using an iPhone, just complete the following steps to gain unrestricted access to their phone:
- Sign up with any of our recommended spy apps to get started. You can visit their official website or just Google them up.
- Create an account with a verifiable email address, preferably yours.
- Choose a subscription package that will meet your particular needs. There are so many of them so stick to the one that works for you.
- Supply the required target mobile phone information. This is important as it will determine what steps you will have to take next.
- If the target device is an iPhone, choose Apple iOS on the drop-down menu and fill in the required iCloud credentials.
- Wait for five minutes for the spy app to verify and synchronize the data. Once this is done, you will be able to go through their messages unrestricted.
Remote Cell Phone Spy Software without Target Phone

It works solely for iPhones. Android smartphones will require you to physically handle the target device to complete a one-time installation. After installation, you will be able to get the information you need.
Cell Phone Spying Without Installing Software on the Target Phone
A useful spy app that will make your spying experience much easier without installing software on the target phone is mSpy. Its powerful surveillance features will grant you unrestricted access to the target phone without hassles or stress.
Must read: How to catch a cheater
Spy app without target phone

You want to spy on a person but don’t know where to go? Bother yourself no more. You are in the right place to get the answer to the question above, and anything concerning spying you need to know. The first thing to note is that there are lots of spy apps that can run a spy on a phone without installing them.
However, without having knowledge about which one is which, you may end up subscribing to the wrong one. You have to avoid getting any spy app for free. To be honest, there is no true free spy app. This brings us to the reason why we have to recommend you to some of the apps that can help. Those advertising free spying services are actually fake as most of the apps are malwares that will destroy your phone or affect its operational system. Below are several spy apps that we are going to recommend to you to try.
Best Apps to Spy on a Cell Phone
Flexispy, etc.
Enter cell number read texts free without installing on the target phone

Do you know the most vital thing in a relationship, and life in general? It’s information. Do you want to doubt? Check the richest people in the world today like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos. Their companies; Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon all trade in data respectively. This underscores the reason why you hear data being described as the “new oil” or the oil of the digital era. This is because of its significance in our daily life. With information, you can exercise control over a person.
Thus, for parents whose children they want to control in this era of digitalization, the best thing to do is to get a spy app to hack their phones and then get into knowing what they do to know how to go about it. One app that is the best suitable parental control is Fami360. It offers unique spying features that parents and guardians monitor the acts of their children or ward without installing the app on it. With this app, you will have to access the text messages on his or her phone. Fami360 is a parental control app. With Fami360 you can supervise your child’s smartphone or tablet. Most importantly, you can get control of what your children are viewing and doing.
This is not only for parents; it is also important and helpful to people in relationships who may need an app like Spyier, mSpy, Spyic, etc to have knowledge about what their spouse, fiancé, and fiancée do on phone. For when you go to bed, you may be hearing the sound of the message tone repeatedly. They are sounds for not normal notifications but good night messages that may disrupt your marriage or relationship. The earlier you know of it, the better you find the way out of probable doom.
Best spy app for Android without access to target phone
Do you think it is impossible to spy on an Android phone? No. There are lots of spy apps that can help you to engage in a successful spying without making the owner of the target phone be suspicious about you. All you need is to get any of our recommended apps.
One thing to be wary of is how to hack Android. You are not going to get on other platforms, it will be revealed to you here. There is a difference between hacking an Android phone and hacking an iPhone. For the latter, all you need is the iCloud Id and a spy app on your phone to launch your spying. However, for an Android, you need physical access to the phone. You need to have some minutes with it. The reason is that Android operates an open-source API system which makes it one of the most difficult phones to hack and spy.
Free Android & iPhone Mobile Spying App
Are you feeling cheated in your relationship and you decide to start looking up for free spying apps on your search engine so as to spy on that partner of yours who has jilted on you? You are likely going to see free spying apps. But be warned once again, don’t try it. It’s is a very big lie. The best free service you can get from valid, tested, and trusted spying apps is a free trial which will limit your access to certain features.
Trying a free spying apps may cost you more damage as it may destroy the target phone, and if your spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend, employer or employee, finds out your attempt at hacking their Android or iPhone devices spoilt their phone, verily verily, it won’t go well with you.
Spy on Messenger without installing software?

Messenger as a social media app has unique qualities though with some shared resemblance to WhatsApp. It can be connected to Facebook and your phone SMS too, thus creating an avenue for receiving and sending vital information. And the best way of getting to know a person better is to get into their information base. From there, everything about them is revealed from their likes, dislikes, turn-off, turn-down, etc
How do you get to know this? Messenger is one of the best places to go. There you will get to know what the person talks about and whom they spend time with. The good news is, you can spy on messenger without installing software on it. Just get a spy app to begin your journey.
How to track a cell phone location without installing software on target phone
One of the best ways you can know the whereabouts of a person nowadays is not by following him/her up and down but by the use of technology. As a busy office husband, you don’t need to waste your time combing around so as to catch your wife. Even if you are free, it doesn’t make sense to ask around about your wife’s movement. That will expose your relationship secrets to many people which is not good.
What you can do is to track her down. You don’t need any informant to tell you she is a regular at a hotel or someone. You can track her cell phone to know about her location at any day anytime. With a spy app, you will be able to catch her hands down. This applies to tracking a husband too parents as well who want to monitor their children.
Getting a spy app is getting started. Subscribe to any of our recommended apps like Fami360, Flexispy, mSpy, etc. These apps offer features that include tracking devices.
How to spy on someone’s phone
The best way to spy on a persons phone is to use cell phone monitoring solutions. Aside from this, you cannot say with all certainty that you would gain access to their phones. So, check out Flexispy to get started.
How to spy on someone’s phone without them knowing

Are you still having that belief that hacking is for those who know a lot about computers? You are getting it wrong. Things have changed. As anybody can easily get used to knowing how to use social media apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter, so it is to spy on someone’s phone. Below is an excerpt on how to spy on someone’s phone.
1. Quickly visit the official website of any of our top recommended spy apps. Take for example www.flexispy.com
2. Create an account with a valid email address. Preferably yours.
3. Verify your email and choose a subscription package that meets your particular need.
4. The packages are super-affordable so you wont feel the pinch on your wallet.
5. Fill in the target device’s info.
6. If your childs mobile device is an Android, you will need to complete a one-time installation process to monitor their device. That means you will need to physically handle the device at least once.
7. An iOS device like the iPhone can be monitored remotely. All you will need to do is know the Apple ID and password of your teenager and verify it on Flexispy to get started.
8. Once you conclude the steps given, you can start monitoring your target.
9. All these procedures will take you roughly 5 minutes from setup to execution as long as you have a reliable internet connection.
Remote Cell Phone Spy Software without Target Phone
Flexispy would grant you access to the target phone without installing cell phone spy software. iPhones are ideal for this remote approach but you would need to know the persons iCloud credentials to get anything meaningful out.
How to spy on a cell phone without touching it
With our spy apps recommendations above, hope you are not blank on how to spy on someone’s phone, right? Once again, avoid any app that is giving you a free spying service. Get one of those we recommend to you. They are reliable; although not free, the service is worth it.