
How to Use Visual Media to Promote Your Brand Better

The very best in the business all use visual media these days. Any company who chooses not to is missing out on showcasing themselves in the very best way. Continue reading for our advice on how you can use visual media to promote your brand better.

What exactly is visual media?

Visual media includes videos, images and infographics. The term ‘visual media’ is somewhat deceptive. It implies that the media will only appeal to people’s vision. In fact, the best types appeal to other senses as well, particularly hearing and sometimes touch.

How could I use it to help my business?


Instagram is the most popular social media platform when it comes to photographs. Generally, anything goes. However, the most successful accounts are ones that show some sort of consistency.

Looking at the account as a whole, you may notice similarities in the way images have been shot, the filters used, such as black and white or sepia, and any branding, such as logo or color scheme.

Whether you have a smartphone or a top of the range digital camera, you are equally capable of using photographs to boost your brand. Alongside consistency of style, you should also focus on ensuring that your images are sharp, appealing and not risqué, unless that fits your intended appeal.

As well as shooting images of items relating to your products and services, people like to see the personalities behind the brand. Rather than almost portraying your brand as a robotic, emotionless one, remember to unmask yourselves and show you as the owner and your other members of staff, too, if they are happy to be featured.


Whether you opt for Facebook live content or corporate video marketing, videos could provide an amazing insight into your business, brand and products for clients, both potential and existing. Social media continues to grow in popularity, with platforms such as TikTok seeing huge growth during 2020. It is obvious that video content is appealing. However, you must be careful about how you approach it.

Many businesses record their own videos themselves. This is great when done on a regular basis. However, when it comes to a one-off, polished, professional-looking affair, hiring someone to do it for you may be a better option. Not only will they be experienced when it comes to editing, but they will also be able to add text, graphics, logos and music to make it look perfect.

YouTube is the world’s most popular website for accessing video content, from music videos to pranks, commercials to amateur acting. There is no reason why you shouldn’t sign up for your own YouTube channel and become a fully-fledged vlogger. For used car salespeople, this is a great way of showing potential customers around cars. This is especially popular and successful during this pandemic with restrictions meaning business cannot be anything close to ‘as usual’.

Not only will this type of video be helpful to people in showing the product off as much as possible to its full potential, but it also demonstrates that you are a creative and versatile enterprise, making necessary changes wherever you can.


Infographics are an excellent way of presenting important information in a way that is easier to digest and at a glance. They are a superb way of getting your point across, backed up by statistics, and with a higher chance of them being remembered. Generally, with a population who are pushed for time and looking for a way to save it, they will opt for a simplified version of the data, presented in an aesthetically pleasing way over pages and pages of texts broken up only by a few graphs.

While infographics are useful, it is also worth remembering that they should only be used irregularly. Be sure to create them so that they tie in with your branding, such as your color scheme, and ensure that they actually tie in with your content marketing plan.


Memes are very popular and have been for some years now. They can be produced quickly and at virtually no cost to your business whatsoever. However, it is worth remembering that you must choose your content wisely, as with every aspect of marketing, ensuring that you do not offend anyone.

To create memes which offer a boost to your brand, consider adding a personalized border. The biggest bonus of them is that they make people laugh and smile, so users on social media share them readily, meaning that your business can become an internet sensation rapidly if it is deemed good enough. Regardless, just a handful of shares can make a huge difference.

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