Parenting can be rewarding in some aspects and similarly tricky in others. You wish the very best for your child. You want your child to grow, to be successful, and you want to provide them with every luxury you can afford. It is a natural and understandable intuition.
However, at times, if you are suffering from financial hardships, you may have to reconsider. You prioritize certain things over others. You cut back on some items in order to fulfill other necessities that you and your child may have.
We here at “QuranForKids” recognize your efforts and want to lend you a helping hand.
You must be wondering how? We have got you covered; continue exploring this article to find out!
Table of Contents
What is the initiative taken by “QuranForKids”?
If you look at the statistics for the “most developed countries in the world,” you will indeed find the U.S.A. and U.K. among them. These countries are renowned for the advancements they have made, the quality of education they have, and the job opportunities they provide.
Not only this but when it comes to using digitalization as a tool for empowering the younger generation – they have succeeded in doing that through the provision of online educational facilities. Many universities offer bachelor’s and Masters’s Programs online now, making it easier for students to attend lessons. For those students who are engaged in part-time jobs and other tasks, this has undoubtedly been a game-changer for them.
Hence, analyzing the entire situation regarding the important role technology plays in our daily lives, “QuranForKids” has decided to make it easier for your kids to learn the Quran online. However, here, you have to bear in mind that the “Learn Quran Online Free” is not an offer open to everyone. It is mainly for those facing considerable financial constraints and cannot afford to pay the fee required for attending these classes.
We believe that no one should be left amiss due to circumstances beyond their control, and financial hardships are one of them.
Recently, the pandemic has also worsened the situation by costing many people their jobs. These unfortunate circumstances shouldn’t be obstacles when it comes to your child receiving qualitative learning and impeccable facilities. Therefore, “QuranForKids” is here to assist you and endeavors to relieve you of some of your worries.
Now that you have some idea regarding our intentions when it comes to this mode of learning, you may be thinking about how we plan to accomplish this. Rest assured, we will explain everything!
Providing Online Quran Classes Free via Skype:
In this era of digitalization, technology conquers all spheres of our lives. It is tremendously useful when it comes to educational purposes. Everyone has access to the internet. There are also internet cafés available that provide free Wi-Fi access. Owing to the ease with which everyone can access the internet, we here at “QuranForKids” decided to learn Quran online freeclasses.
When it comes to knowledge, there should be no boundaries. Just as learning other subjects is important, if you want your child to become a better human being and succeed in this life and the Hereafter, then knowing the Quran is equally vital.
There are many apps and websites in operation for providing online Quran teaching services to children. However, what makes “QuranForKids” special is that our tutors will be specially assigned to just your child. It will be a thirty-minute session, and in every session, that designated tutor alone will be face to face with your child. No other students, and no other tutors either. Just you both.
Therefore, those mentioned above have the advantage of providing a comfortable, conducive learning environment for your child. Needless to say that learning Quran freehas never been easier.
Moreover, our tutors are experts when it comes to teaching via new digital modes, so you don’t have to worry about anything. They know what they’re doing. They will combine some play with a bit of learning to make the entire process easier. Your trust is all we need, and we will take care of the rest.
Lastly, the intention of using Skype as the primary medium for learning is because it’s free. When we say that we will provide free services to those in need and suffering financially, we intend to uphold that promise.
You may still have many questions. Fear not! We have got your backs!
Free For People Who Cannot Afford Our Fee:
We provide learn Quran for free services; however, it is for those who cannot pay our fee. We have varying fee structure levels based on the number of sessions you wish to enroll your child. If you want your child to have eight lessons per week, the fee is $39/£25 per month. Similarly, if you wish to opt for 20 lessons, it will be $69/£39 per month. In case you cannot afford to pay the set fee, we will alleviate your worries by making the courses accessible for your child.
An additional advantage when it comes to learning Quran freeis that the courses will be tailor-made according to your child’s schedule. After school, it is normal to feel exhausted. In these situations, you have the benefit of choosing the timings that best fit your child’s schedule. If it is during the afternoon, then a personalized tutor will be available at that time slot. Similarly, if your child is more relaxed during the evenings, you can schedule those classes during evening timings. The choice is yours!

Another wonderful thing about our courses is that they are open to all age groups and every child regardless of being either a male or female. Online learning Quran free revolves around the idea of making Quran learning facilities available to anyone and everyone. We believe that everyone has an essential and inherent right to learn. Discrimination is not something we stand for, nor something we condone.
The Classes Are Not Free For Everybody:
At times, people presume that the services we offer are open to everyone free of cost. The underlying purpose is to help those children residing in the U.K. and the U.S.A. who cannot afford Quran classes. It is for them that these classes are made free. However, if you assess whether we learn Quran online freecourses will be the perfect match for your child, we can accommodate you in this regard.
You have the option of trying “7-day free trial classes” before deciding on enrolling your child in our courses or not. Once the “7-days” learn Quran freetrial period has elapsed, it is then that you will be asked to choose. You will have to decide whether you want your child to continue reaping benefits from our “QuranForKids” teaching platform or not.
All the information you will provide us directly goes to our manager; we take privacy concerns very seriously.
We don’t provide any additional benefits for those who have the means and the ability to pay. Islam imposes a duty on us to look after our neighbors who are less privileged than us. It is, therefore, a sacred duty to help our fellow neighbors in whatever way we can. “QuranForKids” has embarked on this journey to help fellow people in any way it can. Even a small act of kindness is vital.
The Online Quran Classes Are Free For Only Needy People:

Our learn Quran online freeclasses are gradually being recognized in the market to provide high-quality, efficient teaching services. From male tutors to female tutors, we have them all, and you are free to choose to your heart’s content.
“QuranForKids” was founded on the premise of making it easier for low-income groups to teach their children Quranic values, and then ultimately the Quran. Therefore, it is to continue pursuing that noble initiative of ours that we do provide teach Quran for freeclasses, but only to the needy. When it comes to those who can pay, we will have to charge you a fee. It is to make everyone come on an equal plain-field. We value every one of our customers, but if we don’t maintain a balance, then this plan of ours and our efforts will go down to waste. We want every member of society to get a chance.
The basic concept that Islam teaches Muslims is to assist those that are beneath you; “QuranForKids” is trying to do this. However, one alone cannot change everything. We need your steadfast support to make this initiative of ours a success. The needy people are important members of our society – they make us realize the blessings we have, which we sometimes don’t even acknowledge. They are humans, and they have the same desires as us; to make their children victorious. If our learn Quran online freeclasses can bring even a speck of happiness and relief for the needy people, we will consider ourselves for than fortunate.
What do we offer?
“QuranForKids” is a platform that provides holistic online learning Quran freeclasses. Our focus is not just on memorizing the Quran or only reading it. It is more comprehensive and covers a wide range of aspects.
A few things that we offer are:
Tajweed Classes:
This is a course that is designed to improve the recitation of students. Your child will know the Arabic letters and how they are to be pronounced and enunciated correctly. The Quranic letters hold high significance, and even a slight change in pronunciation could alter the word’s entire meaning. In this regard, our learn Quran free classes are a life savior. They make it simple and easy for your child to absorb and learn stuff, and gradually the recitation of your kid will become as fluent and smooth as that of a Qari’s.
Quran Reading Classes:
Suppose your child has just started reading the Quran, then, in that case, these Quran Reading Classes are undoubtedly the best option. It assists your child in reading proficiently. This course will focus on helping your child familiarize himself/herself with Arabic letters, words, and sentences; our Learn Quran online freeclasses are tailored to tackle anything.
Quran Memorization Classes:
If you look at history, when our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) would receive revelations, he would pass them on to his companions. Additionally, many scribes, such as Zayd Ibn Thabit, who was also the Holy Prophet’s scribe (P.B.U.H.), and had also learned the Quran by heart.
In our learn Quran online free classes, we will help your child memorize with ease. Of course, this is a slow process, and therefore, the best time to start is as early as possible. Determination and encouragement are all your child needs and we here at “QuranForKids” promise to not let you down.
Primary Education Regarding Islam:
As already stated above, learning Quran freeonline classes focuses not on memorization, learning, and reading. The aim is to make your child a well-rounded individual in everything. For that, we will also provide basic Islamic education to your kid. From learning basic things such as the five pillars in Islam to small, everyday use Surahs, our learn Quran for free classes will cover everything.
Quran Translation Classes:
Only reading the Quran is not sufficient. Imagine your child starts reading a book, and when you ask what it’s about, he/she is unable to give you a concrete answer. You will then interrogate your child as to why this is the case, and the likely response will be, “I wasn’t able to understand what it said.”
The same analogy above can also be applied here. To read the Quran is to be able to understand it sufficiently. Our learn Quran online freeclasses ensure that your child is well-acquainted with the Quranic Surahs. It also makes sure that your child has ample knowledge regarding Islam and the rules it has set forth that are to be abided by and obeyed at the end of the day.
Having discussed in great length the courses we will be providing under our learn Quran online freeclasses, we want you to know that if you are paying the fee, then your child will be given access to these courses too. We don’t believe in having different curriculums for paying or non-paying students. Every student is equivalent in our eyes.
Our learning Quran free classes are a tool to facilitate learning for underprivileged children. It does in no way imply that we do not appreciate the fee our paying students give us. We are utterly grateful to every one of you who has placed their trust and faith in us.
Why Choose “QuranForKids”?
We do not believe in the ideology that “one size fits all.” Every student is different, comes from varying backgrounds, and has various capacities for learning. Our learn Quran online free classes recognize this and therefore are available to help you give the best Islamic education available to your child.
We don’t pay attention to the amount of money you hold in your pockets. What we want is to give everyone an equal opportunity to benefit from Islamic education and Quran learning in general. This is why our learn Quran online free classes were formed, and we are proud to have embarked on this creative run with you!
If you are determined to provide your child with the best online learning experience, there is. If you want your child to take advantage of learning Quran free due to financial worries. If you want your child to get personalized tutors who pay attention to his/her well-being, happiness, and health while taking classes, then “QuranForKids” is an online platform for you to consider.
It would be best to have an excellent internet connection, and you are all set to go. Whether your child is proficient in the Arabic language or not, “QuranForKids” has got your back. It doesn’t matter if your child is in the beginning or intermediate phase; all he/she needs is guidance and a good mentor. We have the best mentors for your kid, and we promise that you will not be disappointed. Enroll in the learn Quran online freeclasses, and experience the state-of-the-art education we provide to your child.
In essence, the Quran is fundamental in every Muslim’s life. It is a book of guidance that is there to help us not fall astray and keep us on the right track. Every child should have access to Quran learning, especially during the preceding years of his/her life. The habits your child cultivates in his/her initial years will be what your child will grow up to follow in the future too.
The internet has become a tool in our everyday lives – it is up to us as to how we choose to use this invaluable facility.
We want you to give your child the best of everything regardless of any financial worries. When you are given such benefits, then why not take the first step forward, and get your child enrolled with “QuranForKids.”