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Lower Back Pain: Should I Visit a Chiropractor?

Car accidents are always stressful, so it’s common for people who haven’t suffered life-threatening injuries to want little more than to return to life as usual. Unfortunately, lower back pain can get in the way of that goal, and it doesn’t always appear immediately after the accident.

Because lower back pain is such a common consequence of even minor car accidents, it can seem like everyone has an opinion. Many well-meaning friends and family members will likely suggest visiting a chiropractor, which begs the question: is it worth the time to seek chiropractic care for back pain following a car accident? Read on to find the answer.

How Car Accidents Cause Back Pain

Before discussing the effectiveness of chiropractic care in alleviating lower back pain, it’s worth introducing a few of the key underlying causes. Keep in mind that most accident victims won’t know what’s wrong until they seek chiropractic care. If you’ve hurt your back, getting a definitive diagnosis is always the best place to start. Conditions that could be causing the lower back pain include the following.

Disc Damage

The discs that make up the spinal cord are quite delicate, so the impact of a crash can cause them to become damaged or displaced. Disc injuries can occur anywhere in the spine, and they often cause severe pain. Disc herniation, in particular, can cause extreme nerve pain that often radiates to other parts of the body.

Back Strains

Strains occur when muscles or tendons are torn, twisted, or pulled, often as a result of acute trauma. Lower back strains caused by car accidents can cause intense pain and limit a victim’s range of motion.

Back Sprains

Back sprains occur as a result of ligament and soft tissue damage, usually incurred during a sudden trauma like a car accident. Like strains, lower back sprains can cause severe pain and inhibited range of motion. Patients suffering from back sprains often report muscle cramping, as well.

Spinal Fractures

Spinal fractures usually happen when another driver rear-ends the victim’s car at a high speed. They typically occur in either the mid or lower back, and symptoms vary widely. Most patients report pain, numbness or tingling, and muscle spasms, but in more serious cases, bowel and bladder changes or even partial or total paralysis may also occur.

How a Chiropractor Can Help

Visiting a chiropractor after a car accident is the best way to get a definitive diagnosis of any new or exacerbated lower back problems. Determining the root cause of the pain often involves a complete medical exam and one or more forms of diagnostic imaging

Once the chiropractor knows what is causing a patient’s pain, he or she can then go on to form a personalized treatment plan. Most patients will undergo some combination of:

i.  Chiropractic Adjustment

ii. Spinal Decompression

iii. Physical Therapy

iv. Hot and Cold Therapy

v. Massage Therapy

vi. Lifestyle Counseling

The first concern should always be reducing or eliminating pain and improving the range of motion. Beyond that, though, chiropractors can also help to reduce inflammation, speed up healing, and prevent reinjurying the weakened area.

Is It Worth Seeing a Chiropractor?

The answer to the question is it worth seeing a chiropractor for lower back pain after a car accident is always a resounding “yes.” In fact, most experts recommend that all accident victims seek chiropractic care.