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Most Popular Game Genres of 2020

Though there are thousands of games in existence, they generally fall into genres or categories. As time passes new genres will have been created and stand alongside stapes such as RPGs, puzzle and more.

But what are the most popular 2020 game genres? Let’s find out below.


Casino games have been ported from traditional physical establishments to the internet, and the result is better than we may have imagined. No longer will you have to suit up or commute to the nearest casino place- it’s just a matter of downloading an app or opening a casino site such as 우리카지노 and playing straight on your browser.

Technology has further advanced gambling-type games by offering live poker, for instance or slots and table games with improved graphics. These titles work like the real thing- bet money and you’ll have a chance to win the jackpot.

Battle Royale

Fortnite and PUBG are at the forefront of the battle royale genre. It’s essentially being the last man standing in a free-for-all with other players.

If you like playing shooter games and competing with other players then you’ll love this genre. You’re dropped in an island that shrinks and forces you to in close proximity with your opponents. Along the way you’ll pick up weapons such as crossbows, guns and bombs and defensive items such as heal, shields and more. No round is ever the same, which will keep you coming back for more.


Fighting games never die as long as developers make them. The thrill of a fist or swordfight using your favorite character makes for a visceral experience.

Pick a character, execute special moves and beat down your opponent’s life bar to win. A few titles add obstacles, throws and game modes to keep things interesting. Marvel vs. Capcom, for example has a tag system which makes for ridiculous combos.